ELO Hell is a real place for the average player in Overwatch. I am in it hard and deep.
Back in season 15, before 2-2-2 Role Queue began, I was lucky enough to place in plat before falling eventually down to gold and silver. At that point, I just got curious and dove down even further as far as I could go. All the way down to 600 SR… The murky depths where the strangest and cruelest of teams form. Where the smurfs feed on baby fish in a barrel. Games where you absolutely cannot trust more than 1 or 2 teammates not to throw or feed. It was so frustrating and aggravating to be in. Games where the rest of your team can be just 5 w-bots and you literally must sole carry, or games where a 5 stack will throw just to get a reaction from a rando 6th.
As of today, I’ve managed to crawl my way back up out of the bronze muck into high silver and have real faith that I can solo into at least gold or plat in all 3 roles. At least to where games get a bit better and you have a better chance of getting out of hell. If you are looking for help, I can share with you what I am learning along the way through my live journey. So, without further ado, let’s get started!
The main reason that the match you are in sucks right now is because someone or someones on your team is doing one or a combination of these three things: Feeding, Throwing, and/or Being Toxic.
1. FEEDING – Dying helplessly and giving the enemy ult charge.
2. THROWING – Dying on purpose and giving the enemy ult charge.
3. BEING TOXIC – Bad behavior, or behavior that exemplifies one’s attachment to their ego.
If someone on your team is doing this, first make sure that it isn’t you. Then, since it definitely isn’t you and you’re super chill and laughing it about all, instead of saying something like “our dps is trash.”, you can try saying something like “The enemy team has an Echo that keeps diving me, could we get a hitscan?”
Someone on your team keeps dying before everyone else. Most likely they are doing this because they don’t know how better. Be patient and kind. Call out danger for them if you see it. If they are salty back, just let ’em be. There’s no use wasting your breath and just keep going. If they are particularly toxic, then go ahead and use your mute. You don’t want to turn a feeder into a thrower. If someone is wants to throw, there is little you can do to persuade them otherwise. Do not whine or complain. That just makes it worse. Just play your best and take notes for next time.
Don’t contribute to it. If you’re thinking “Someone is being toxic, I need to teach them a lesson.” Stop. You will add to the madness… Instead, ignore them. Laugh at their stupidity and continue on with your jolly self. Try staying alive more than killing the enemy team and concentrate more on helping your other teammates get picks and peeling for them. This will help not only your game-play but, more importantly your stress level. So, you didn’t cap 3rd point. Don’t give up and think defensively! The main thing is to never give up hope and be a beacon of help for your teammates.
1. Practice.
Play Quick Play or Mystery Heroes to get familiar with new heroes to add to your pool. Try call outs more. Try aim trainer. Be open to try new things!
2. Watch people better than you.
You got rolled in that last game? Take a look at the replays and watch what happened. Study streamers and league players. I personally love watching ML7 for Support. His instructional videos are incredibly informative.
3. Play with someone you trust.
This way someone on your team will have your back.
Good luck out there and stay on point until till next time! Also, check out these helpful support and tank resources: