Kick Followers: 200,000
Game Stream Categories:
- Call if Duty: Warzone
- Minecraft
- Just chatting
YourRage is a CoD: Warzone, Minecraft, and “Just Chatting” streamer on kick.com with nearly 200,000 followers. YourRage streams at least a few times a week for at least 3-4 hours each.
During the Call of Duty:Warzone stream that I was watching, YourRAGE partied with three other players and had the group chat open for all to hear.
*WARNING: there is very liberal use of the “N” word during the streams and is used by all members of the group, even by some players who I’m not too certain have permission to even be using THAT word…just sayin’.

Also, I’m usually not one to criticize a person for their choice of fashion when streaming, however, wearing a powder blue shower cap is definitely taking not giving a f***” to a whole new level. YourRAGE comes off as just a dude playing in his room not caring about anything else but the game or topic he’s focusing on.
In game, the team worked well with one another, however, they tended to shout out a lot and talk over one another which made listening to the chat difficult and trying to get the attention of the streamer in chat is futile. YourRage has some skills in FPS and is entertaining to watch. You may want to mute the audio, however. Although the team communicated well for the most part, they weren’t able to pull off a win.

YourRAGE’s chat box is an unmoderated mess of off topic conversations, arguments, and insults about mothers. Viewer beware!
YourRAGE isn’t just about games. The majority of his past videos, which have anywhere from 500-5000k+ views each, range in topics from neighborhood drama, celebrity Twitter reactions, cooking, and going to the gym and working out. Some of his just chatting streams go on for several hours.
One aspect that I really enjoyed of YourRage’s streams was his cooking segment. He was able to get together different individuals at the same time to stream from their home kitchens as they prepared their favorite meals. YourRage cut back and forth between them and interacted with each individual, asking them about the inspirations for their meal. This was surprisingly wholesome, despite the “N-word” still being prevalent, and had some enjoyable banter back-and-forth. It’s entertaining to see ordinary people cooking.

If you’re bored and have absolutely nothing to do and enjoy listening to urban dialogue about people you don’t know, then I suppose you could do worse. However, I personally didn’t find his streams fun to watch or engaging, aside from the cooking portion. He often went off topic and looked at his phone for minutes at a time and responded out loud to whatever he was reading but never clued in the audience to what it was that was going on. Overall, I don’t see YourRage going on to win any major streaming awards. YourRage comes off as a guy who enjoys doing what he’s doing from the comfort of his room, so more power to him!