Nothing makes me more excited about a video game then when one that is supposed to be long gone, dead, and forgotten like an unnamed soldier in his South American jungle, refuses to give up the fight.

I figure this latest DLC has got a little bit to do with the success of the Hulu Original movie ‘Prey’, which has brought a new influx of players wanting to get in on the hunt. If you haven’t seen or heard about it yet, ‘Prey’ is the latest motion picture addition to the ‘Predator’ Series. ‘Prey’ takes place on the North American Plains of the 1800’s and follows a young Camanche woman who wants to prove her worth as a warrior and Hunter to her tribe. Little does she know that the sign she sees falling from the sky is actually the Feral Predator’s ship entering earths atmosphere to begin his hunt. It’s definitely a good action flick and an incredible addition to the franchise.
Because of the movie, Newbs are discovering what the long time fans of the Predator series have known, that IllFonic did a great job in creating a Predator video game, and even better, is still putting out decent DLC for fans of the franchise.
Hot on the heels of the ‘Prey’ release IllFonic released the Feral Mask that the Predator uses in the movie for free with the addition of some high level cosmetic content. Now, players who want to show off their level can do so by equipping these cosmetic items, on their Predator under the ‘Trophies’ section of the ‘appearance’ menu. I particularly like these little trophies because of the lore and hope that it might be a clue or hint into potential DLC/Movie storylines.

What are The Predator Hunting Grounds trophies available?
- African dagger: an ancient African dagger that once belonged to a powerful leader of a warrior tribe… Level 200
- Khopesh: an ancient sword wielded by an Egyptian Prince.… Level 250
- Ottoman dagger: Turkish dagger that slashed the throat of many Byzantines while taking Constantinople… Level 300
- Flintlock pistol: a flintlock style pistol that wince belonged to a notorious pirate of the Caribbean… Level 350
- Spartan spear: spears tip that once belong to a merciless Spartan warlord… Level 400
- NunChucks: wooden nunchucks once brandished by a Japanese warrior… Level 450
- Samurai sword: a broken samurai sword taken from the defeated samurai… Level 500
- Tomahawk: tomahawk once belonged to a great Apache warrior… Level 550
- Viking Axe: axe head once wielded by a fearsome viking berserker… Level 600
- Western revolver: old six shooter style pistol that once belonged to the most wanted fugitive in west America… Level 650
- Warhammer: hammerhead that crushed countless helmet and skulls during the crusades… Level 700
- Massacre machete: taken from the crime scene of a 1979 north east coast massacre this murder weapon was never recovered by authorities… Level 750
- Russian Pernach: as swords and arrows glanced off the invention of Chainmaile and plate armor, foot soldiers adapted with the power of the flanged mace… Level 800
- Broken ancient sword: believed to have been forged from an ancient civilization, this bastard sword was entombed with an unknown king before being stolen and lost to history… Level 850
- Alien hunters trophy: Little is known about the origins of the skull, but there is reason to believe it was involved in some manner of large scale gladiatorial combat… Level 900
- Lorena‘s “amorcito”- Before her disappearance, infamously cruel los Duros enforcer Lorena Marianita had an equally famous love affair with her golden semi automatic pistol. faithful to her “Armorcito” there’s no record of her killing anyone with anything else. .. level 950
- UnIdentified aliens skull: detective Lieutenant Mike Harrigan (Predator 2) had only moments inside the predator ship during the LA Encounter, however this skull remained clear in his memory for some time… Level 999
Aside from the cosmetic items added to the game there have been three new game changing predator classes added to Predator Hunting Grounds. These are some of the strongest predators released and are available for a small fee. Totally worth it in my opinion!

What are the new classes available in Predator Hunting Grounds?
The first predator DLC is the ”Bionic” class. Most Predator biotech is non-invasive, as most perish from serious injuries during a hunt. Only those Predators with the greatest will to live return from the Hunt and require cybernetic prosthesis. This predator is a mix of hunter and terminator complete with a glowing red eye and mechanical arm. It has 4 bars of gear, 4 bars movement/speed, 3 bars stamina and 3 1/4 bars of health, making it one of the strongest hunters in game.
The next part of DLC is a hunter pack of both the Amazon and the Pirate Predator Class.
This Pirate class is a rare and unique for a predator as she shuns the protection of the jungle for the adventure of the open sea! A regular scourge of the great ocean hunters, she inspired more than one sailors tale of monsters rising from the deep! She wears a patch over one eye and a sharks jaw across her chest with fish hooks in her hair with other nautical inspired decorations on her armor. She has 3 1/4 bars of health, 3 bars of stamina, 4 bars in movement/speed, and 4 bars in gear. Yo, Ho indeed!
The Amazon class of predator is it prolific Hunter first observed operating deep in the jungle the Brazil. She’s well known in the jungles for her number of confirmed non-human kills indicating that she either has a resolute hunting code or she is bored. She has 3 1/4 bars of health, 3 bars of stamina, 4 bars of movement/speed, 4 bars of gear. Her outfit and armor are adorned with the bones of her kills. Her mask has the long fangs of a Big cat!
These newest hunters to Predator Hunting Grounds have definitely tipped the scales in the favor of the predators, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing given that the fireteam tends to be a bit overpowered and able to locate the predator to easy, in my opinion. I noticed that after major updates or patches to hunting grounds fire team players cant seem to locate The predators as easily as they do after a few weeks. Perhaps that is a sign of a third-party software usage or the game code breaking overtime. Either way the game is still a lot of fun to play especially with these new bruisers, and very entertaining! A big thanks to IllFonic for putting out some fun Content and lore, hopefully we get a lot more in the future! “Get to the Choppa!!!”