Wubba-lubba-dub-dub and grass….tastes bad!!! If these words of Rick-wisdom resonate with you then you might have a little bit of Rick Sanchez in you. Now, with Pocket Morty’s from Adult Swim Games, players can start their own journey and becoming the most Rick of all Ricks in all of the multiverses.

Pocket Morty’s is set up like one of the most popular handheld video games of all time, Pokémon. Just like in Pokémon players are tasked with roaming the land, in Pocket Morty’s, all of the different dimensions in the “multiverse” collecting all of the lost Morty’s.
What is the Gameplay like in Pocket Morty’s?
Pocket Morty’s is divided up into two types of games: campaign and multiplayer.

In the campaign mode, players are given an epic Morty and the task of collecting badges from Ricks in different dimensions in order to win back his portal gun and return to his reality. Once Rick has enough badges, he can challenge the Council of Ricks who are keeping his portal gun hostage. The “player Rick” will need to collect a total of 18 badges and defeat 6 council members. Players can admire their badges in the “badges and trophies” section of the data pad.
The game dynamics of Pocket Morty’s is set up in the style of the classic playground game of chance known as “rock, paper, scissors.” None of that hocus-pokemon elemental stuff for Rick Sanchez! Every Morty has a class based on either rock, paper, or scissors. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. Players should try to match their Morty’s class against their opponents to deliver the maximum amount of damage. If a player is using a strategically weak Morty, they run the risk of more critical hits and losing.
As players win battles against Morty collectors and wild Morty’s, the Morty’s who are not dazed and took part in the battle will gain experience points. At the end of battles players are given the opportunity to watch a video from Mr. Meeseeks to earn more schmeckles. Players can decline to watch the video if desired.

As Morty’s gain experience and level they earn more HP or “hit points” which is the amount of damage they can take in battle before becoming dazed.
Once all of the Player Ricks Morty’s are dazed they will either be given the chance to be revived by watching a paid advertisement or be rescued by Bird Person and flown to the healing center. Ricks can heal their Morty’s at the healing center aboard the Citadel of Ricks for free as many times as needed or desired.

As Morty’s level up they can learn new moves. Every Morty can learn a total of four moves. Each individual move has a set number of uses known as AP. Once the AP is used up for a move, the move can no longer be utilized until the particular Morty is healed or they are given plutonic rocks which can restore some or all AP depending on the class of plutonic rock.
One of the clever aspects about Pocket Morty’s is that the name of the moves available correspond with the Morty. For instance, Pizza Morty has “melt” and “nibble” as attacks, while Plumbus Master Morty has “probe” as one of his attacks. Some moves are buffs, debuffs, and attacks. Every move also has a set amount of damage that it can do. Players can preview the accuracy and the damage that every move does by holding down the action button. A window with the information about the move will pop up.
Morty‘s are also categorized by their rarity: common, rare, exotic, and epic. Every Rick player is given their own Exotic Morty which has no rock, paper, or scissor classification. This is “your Ricks Morty” and should be the main Morty that the Rick player concentrates on leveling and developing. A strong exotic Morty can take on any class.

Players can earn items by finding parts scattered around the map and crafting them at the “craft” terminal. Rick can also earn items through battling. Some items can improve their Morty’s stats, like “Mega-seeds”. Different Mega Seeds can be found and can add attack and defense stats, or level up an individual Morty by one level. Players can also use items during a turn while in battle to revive or heal their Morty’s or remove any poison or status damage. All of these items can be bought from the Salesman Rick vendor at the citadel of Ricks or by accessing Salesman Rick in the data pad.
What kind of items does Salesman Rick have in Pocket Morty’s?
There are many items that can be very useful in battle. It’s a good idea to spend a few “schmeckles” to keep a good supply of these items handy in their inventory. The player can also use Salesman Rick to customize their Rick with one of the many different versions of Rick that exist. Players can unlock versions of Rick by playing the game or by purchasing them with schmeckles or flurbos.
Salesman Rick Items:
- The Morty Manipulator Chip is used to catch wild Morty’s-500 schmeckles
- Serum- heals a Morty for 20 HP- costs 250 schmeckles
- Great Serum- heals a Morty for 50 HP- costs 500 schmeckles.
- Halzinger- this item can revive a dazed Morty with 50% of their HP. Costs 650 schmeckles
- Plutonic Rock- this item restores 50% of a Morty’s AP for all their moves. Costs 200 schmeckles
- Pure Plutonic Rock- this item restores all of a Morty’s AP. Costs 800 schmeckles
- Courier Flap- this item can be used by a Rick to teleport directly to the citadel of Ricks without needing to defeat the Rick in the dimension they are in or by passing out. Cost 1000 schmeckles.
What is the Data pad used for in Pocket Morty’s?
The data pad is the one stop shop for all of your Rick and Morty needs.
- Players can use the data pad to visit the Rick vendor and purchase serum‘s and items.
- Players can See what Morty’s they have caught or encountered in the “Morty Deck”.
- Players can Review their current Morty deck assignment under the “Your Morty’s” option.
- Rick players can also check their completed and ongoing quests under the “quest” option.
- Players are also able to access their badges and trophies won under the “trophies and badges” section.
- Players can check their inventory under the “items” section.
- Once players have enough “Blips and Chitz” coupons they can “win Morty’s” by spending a few of those tickets!
How does Catching wild Morty’s work in Pocket Morty’s?
In order for player Rick’s to catch wild Morty’s they need to engage them in battle. Players can approach wild Morty’s which will cause them to run around frantically until they tire themselves out. This is the easiest time to engage them in battle. Once the player has caused sufficient damage, but not dazed, the Morty they can use a “Morty manipulator chip” on their next turn to try to capture the Morty. If the Morty isn’t damaged enough the Chip can fail and will be destroyed. If successful and the party is full, the additional Morty will be sent to the Morty daycare.
What is The Morty daycare in Pocket Morty’s?
When players capture a wild Morty and the party is full, the new Morty will be sent to the Morty daycare. There, the Morty will sit and wait until it is needed. Players can send Morty’s over level 10 to “Boot Camp.” Boot Camp is a 24 hour mission that will send up to five Morty’s a day to “Boot Camp”. This will earn them experience while not using these Morty’s in battle. Boot Camp is a good way to level up lower level Morty’s or favorite Morty’s that are too low level to be any good use.

If players capture two of the same kind of Morty they can use the daycare to combine them to make an even stronger version of that Morty.
Players can also create and edit their battle party at the daycare by storing unused Mortys and assigning their favorite Mortys to their A, B, or C deck.
How does a Rick go about Getting new Morty’s in Pocket Morty’s?
Players can use “blips and chitz” tickets to unlock the chance at earning rare or exotic Morty’s. Players can choose 5, 10, or 15 ticket options. The higher the “Blips and Chitz” ticket option costs, the a higher rate it has of dropping exotic or epic Morty’s.

What are the Morty Games?
Ricks can take part in the “Morty Games” which are themed three-part battles where players have to take on increasingly difficult groups of Morty’s. Each one of the stages has three rounds of harder combatants. Players are not able to use their own Morty’s in the Morty Games but instead have to choose from a set of preselected Morty’s. The player can choose to have a balanced team of rock, paper, scissors, or they can rely on one classification if they are feeling daring. The player can only complete one stage of the Morty Games every 24 hours. Players can use a “blips and chitz” ticket to advance the timer.

Players are not able to take any items into the Morty games, however, they can pay 1000 schmeckles to Dirty Rick who is located just outside of the Morty Game entrance. Dirty Rick will sneak in items for the player Rick to use. These items include two plutonic rocks, a Great serum, and two regular serums.
If the player Rick is able to defeat all three stages of the Morty Games they will earn a Morty token which will automatically give them a set of prizes which can include an exotic Morty.
What is Multiplayer like in Pocket Morty’s?
If players want to see if they are the most Rick of all Rick’s they can choose the multiplier option either from the login screen or from the data pad. The multiplayer aspect of pocket Mortys is very similar to the single player campaign although “flurbos” are the currency and Club Rick tickets are used for purchasing rare and exotic Morty’s instead of “Blips and Chitz” tickets.

In multiplayer, the player Rick starts out with 1 exotic level 5 Morty. The player can battle with this one Morty or they can travel into the game map and collect wild Morty’s to build out their party.
Players will notice other player Ricks wondering around and they can chose to battle them to help level their Morty’s outside of the fight pit.

If players want to compete for bigger prizes they can go to the “fight pit” in order to engage in PvP battles. Players can take part in five battles per day to climb the ranks of the leaderboard. At the end of the game time Prizes are given depending on the level of rank the players have achieved on the leaderboard. Players can check the current prize level they are on at the Leaderboard information screen.
What are the Microtransactions or Paid Ads like in Pocket Morty’s?
No mobile app game would be complete without the option to purchase in game items for real world money, and Pocket Morty’s is no different. Players can spend anywhere from $3.99 up to $99.99 to purchase schmeckles, blitz and chintz tickets, and exotic Morty packages.

One of the cool aspects about the paid advertisements in Pocket Morty’s is that they are completely optional. If the player chooses to watch the advertisement, it’s a random 15 or 30 second video, that’s all. This made earning more schmeckles a lot less painless and encouraging.
Overall Pocket Morty’s Review
Overall, Pocket Morty’s is a lot of fun for lovers of either Rick and Morty and Pokémon. The gameplay reminds me a lot of the original collect them all game and is familiar and fun. I highly recommend this game for its replay value and comedy fun. The games soundtrack is made up of cool versions of some of the awesome songs from Rick and Morty like “Let’s Get Schwifty” and “the gas alien” song from season 1. “Get Rickitty-wrecked son!”