Remember when NMS Creator Sean Murray posted a pirate flag on his twitter feed. A few days later the 19th update to the sleeper hit No Man’s Sky called “Outlaws” was released! No Man’s Sky has been one of the best games ever and has consistently improved the gaming experience for its players. WIth every update Hello Games has improved graphics, gameplay, as well as the depth that the game goes. This latest Outlaws update had a few bugs when it first launched but consecutive bug patches have seemed to stabilized a lot of the early issues players were having. I would recommend keeping an active save file handy, just in case. And with that being said: “Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho, a Space Pirates Life for Thee!”
Pirate Controlled Space
With the Outlaws update players who are wanting to take part in more space piracy are now able to do just that! There is a faction of space pirates that have taken over space stations and have driven out the sentinel forces that used to control them. Landing on these pirate controlled systems can be done by accessing the galaxy map with a conflict scanner equipped aboard the players ship. Players will be able to see which systems are under Pirate control by finding the small skull icon in the description of the system. When players warp to these pirate systems they are able to land on the space station which has gone under a complete overhaul by the Pirates that are controlling it. There are new vendors available, like the scrap dealer who sells suspicious upgrades for the exosuit, multi tool, and spaceship. Also, a bounty hunter vendor is now available who will give pirate missions like attacking a freighter or liberating cargo from a planet side depot. There’s is also a contraband dealer that can supply the player with illegal items or will buy any wears they have to sell.

There is a teleporter in the pirate Space station, however, travel is restricted to other pirate systems the player has visited. I recommend that players build a base planet side in the pirate system with a teleporter to expedite travel back and forth between pirate and normal systems. This will cut down on the space fuzz tracking the players cargo and whereabouts.
Not kidding, players should be aware that contraband looted from space piracy is worth more units in normal systems. Players run a risk in having contraband aboard their ships when entering normal systems because the sentinels can scan their cargo. If detected the player is given the option to surrender the specific piece of contraband, surrender all contraband, or ignore the request. Each has its own set of consequences. The player can reduce the risk of being scanned while in open space, by equipping a special cargo deflector device that hides the players ships contents. This new item blueprint can be learned aboard the anomaly from the spaceship vendor. Please note: “it works 60% of the time all the time”

Players will immediately notice the colorful solar sail ships that are now flying around and landing on space stations. These are the latest addition to the No Man’s Sky plethora of spaceships available. These solar sail ships have a dynamic animation when taking off and landing as well as when leaving a planets atmosphere. They also maneuver really well and handle a lot better than any of the previous spaceships I’ve piloted.
Explorers can now “Squad Up” in NMS!
Also new to the Outlaws update is an upgrade to space combat and the use of shields. Now both AI and player ships have additional shields that can be managed during combat. Shields can be recharged with Sodium or Starshield batteries. When engaging a target players have to bring down the enemies shields to cause damage to the hull of the attacking ship. If the player does not do this quick enough the shields can be repaired and raised again. This makes for more dynamic and engaging space dogfights!

Now that space combat above planets has gotten a lot more dangerous players can call in some help from friends. In the Outlaws update players are able to have up to four additional squadmates that fly with them in space and come to aid in battle. Squads can be managed aboard the Freighter at the freighter command terminal. If players want to make room in their squad for a better wing mate , they’ll need to make sure there is space available first. The first slot in the squad can be unlocked for 500 nanites, each additional slot costs substantially more with the last one being 20,000 nanites.
Another pirate activity players can take part in is the looting of random conveys in space. This little fun activity will reward the player with contraband and riches and is a great way to make money fast especially because contraband items found in pirate controlled space sell for a lot more in normal systems. Player should be warned, however, these convoys are protected by their own squad of starships. Flight combat has been improved by allowing players to automatically track the target they are shooting at. This comes in handy during chaotic dogfights with 8 to 12 ships at a time.

If players are space mining in a pirate system they will eventually get a notification about dangerous criminals that are passing through. These criminals have a threat warning from “minor” to “extremely dangerous” and a bounty reward of contraband and up to 300,000 units. The player will need to approach this target and destroy it to earn the reward.
Random Pirate Attacks on Planet Side Structures in NMS!
It’s no longer safe to just hang outside planetside and farm resources like in the “old days”. Random attacks on nearby structures by space pirates can be very dangerous and are sporadic! I myself took an extreme amount of damage while trying to run to my ship. Players will have to take off and engage these space pirates in low flying ariel combat. If the player has squadmates they will always come and join in the frey!
That’s not the only new thing players will notice while traversing the landscape, convoys of space freighters can be seen coming in and out of hyperspace and traveling across the skyline in NMS. This adds even more depth and realism to an already amazing looking game!
There have been many cosmetic improvements to the game including the addition of hoods and capes! Now space pirates can really look the part with a glorious flowing customizable cape, be careful of strong turbines!

Secret Outlaw mission: “The Voice of Freedom”
There is a secret mission in the Outlaws update called “The Voice of Freedom”. This mission can be activated by going to an active economy system, not a pirate system, and boosting through open space. Eventually a communication will come through from a damaged spaceship. When the player follows the path laid out before them they will begin a mission that will reward them with a special hood that can be equipped on their player. In order to equip the hood the player has to choose the “anomaly” setting for their avatar.

For all the new NMS updates, see its tag in “Our Favorite Games.”
For more pirate fun, see our review of “King of Ocean.”