Hello Games has continued to impress me and its Fanbase by consistently releasing game improving updates to the sleeper hit no man’s sky. This 20th update is known as Endurance. At first it seems like just a graphical update to make space seem a little more dynamic, but the more I play it the more I realize how much work went into a seemingly simple but not so simple update.
The first and most obvious improvement is that the freighters internal customization and look has been completely overhauled and upgraded. Now instead of player freighters all having one generic look for every room, there are now three different variations of rooms that explores can customize.
Frigates have also been given their own “cargo” hold aside from the storage units available if they are installed on the ship. This gives players even more inventory space! Players who are tired of flying down to the surface of the planet and back up into space to reach their freighter are going to love the addition of a teleport chamber in their freighter that actually works! The loading time is only a couple of seconds and is a welcome improvement!
New Frigate Basic Parts
- Corridor
- Glass Corridor
- Bulkhead door
- Wall
- Window
- Catwalk-for outside building
- Exterior Stairs
- Exterior Platform
- Ladder
- Internal Staircase

The first type of room is an industrial theme. This industrial theme isn’t just aesthetic but also comes with updated functionality like the large refiner. Before the update, players used to have to put down individual refiners in their freighter room, now this room has a built-in refiner that fits the aesthetic of the ship.
Available Industrial Modules
- Refiner Room
- Stellar Extractor Room
- Orbital Exocraft Room
- Exocraft Specialist Room
- Weapons Terminal Room
- Industrial Room Expansion
- Storage Rooms 0-9
Hello games must have realized that a lot of players were using their freighter as their main base for crafting, storage, and farming. All of the storage rooms have been upgraded graphically as well.

New to the Endurance update is a system resource collector which will collect one of four resources depending on the type of sun system that the players are in.
The next type of room available is a Biological room, a room with the walls and floors are decorated in flora and a light mist fall from the ceiling. organic rooms can have plants placed inside of them and harvested with one action instead of having to harvest every plant individually. The agricultural NPC also comes with their own themed room that fits in well with the organic theme.
Available Biological Modules
- Cultivation Room
- Double Cultivation Room
- Nutrition Room
- Agricultural Specialist Room
- Biological Room Expansion

The next room is the technology theme which has items in it like the long-range teleporter. There are new items to the game that are now available to place inside the freighter like the solar system scanning device. This device automatically identifies all of the planets and moons in the system that the player is currently in. Explorers no longer need to land on every individual planet in order to “Discover” it. This is extremely helpful in identifying the planets and helping players locate specific minerals or creatures that they are looking for. There is also a galactic trade terminal room for players to buy and sell items.
Available Technology Modules
- Fleet Command Room
- Scanner Room
- Teleport Chamber
- Appearance Modifier Room
- Science Specialists Room
- Construction Specialists Room
- Galactic Trade Room
- Technology Room Expansion
The freighters Internal functionality has also changed quite a bit. Players no longer have to run up the stairs to reach the bridge of their freighter. Instead, players can instantly teleport to the bridge using one of two teleporters located in the docking bay. A staircase is still available and leads directly to the bridge of the ship. NPCs from the players fleet are now standing and interacting with the hangar bay.

Another fun and noticeable feature in the Endurance update is the Players ability to build outside of their freighter. Players can place catwalks and platforms on the outside of their capital ships and take a walk out into space and observe their fleet or the atmosphere around them. players are also able to build and manipulate items to add some cool atmospheric effects from the outside of the freighter. I was able to create a steam affect in the hallway of my freighter by placing machinery underneath the hall. This is a not an intentional game design. Some items are not available anymore for the fighter like he ramps and stairs. Instead, there are ladders for players to use to reach the upper levels of their freighter. The original freighter rooms are still available under the legacy tab of the build menu.
Players will now see their freighter halls and rooms are a lot livelier with NPCs from their crew waiting for the next mission.
Players can now teleport directly onto their individual frigates directly from the fleet control center. This helps expedite the repair of any ships that might be damaged While on expedition or if the player just wants to take a spacewalk and inspect their fleet.

How do I find organic frigates in NMS?
Organic frigates are now available to be recruited to the players fleet! if players missed the opportunity in recruiting the Leviathan Organic freighter from the last expedition, this is the players chance to add the unique space whale to their armada. Although this sounds like a fun, fantastic opportunity it’s a lot more difficult than it sounds. Players cannot expect to find an organic ship just by flying around in space. The best way players are able to locate these unique frigates is by first running frigate missions. These are the missions that are generated by the fleet expedition NPC aboard the players freighter. Once the frigates complete their mission one of the rewards will be an item that the players can craft called the “dream Ariel”. When’s this item blueprint is found and the item itself is crafted players will need to pulse into space in order to attract a living frigate. These frigates no longer take fuel but can be fed from the fleet control panel aboard the players freighter.

Once the player completes the initial dream Ariel mission and gets their first living frigate, they are able to add additional frigates organic frigates to their fleet as long as there is space available in the player’s fleet. Admirals, which are players who have 30 frigates in their fleet, may need to dismiss a few to make room. This can also be done from the fleet control panel aboard the freighter.
Once the initial organic frigate is added the spawn rate for organic frigates might seem impossible, however, there is one more step that players need to follow in order to find these living giants of space and that’s by activating an “anomaly detector”. An anomaly detector can be looted by destroying asteroids in space, they drop rather frequently. Once a player has the anomaly detector in their inventory, they can activate it and begin pulsing around the galaxy to find anomalies. The player can continue to pulse as the anomaly detects different curiosities. The player needs to pay attention to the alerts that they are receiving, some will be about objects like the Atlas, the player is looking for the whale song of an organic creature and corresponding space whale icon. Once the player sees this information dialog box the player should immediately exit their pulse Drive. They will come face-to-face with an organic whale frigate. This is the only way that I have found to be able to produce the organic frigates on a semi regular basis. I have yet to find one flying through space on their own. I have found quite a few of them using the method above. Players should keep in mind that these Organic ships are not cheap! The C grade ships that I’ve found have been around 2-4,000,000 units with S-Class costing 500 million credits!

There have been small but very noticeable atmospheric upgrades to space and weapons as well. Colorful nebula of clouds randomly forms as so do cosmic thunderstorms with lightning flashes and thunder that can be heard rolling through space. Also added in the Endurance update are more NPC‘s interacting with the environment in space. Players will notice while they are mining that other NPC‘s as well as mining droids are also mining. Players need to pay attention to these NPC‘s because an unintentional hit can cause them to be aggressive and engage the player in battle. Players are able to collect some of the items that the NPC‘s are mining just by being in the vicinity as they are collecting resources.
Black holes
Players will notice the more dynamic space activity with clusters of asteroids now spawning randomly and more densely. The lingering and menacing black holes have been graphically upgraded with a dynamic and unique transition whole flying through the unknown. Players should Be prepared to make ship repairs once they emerge on the other side of the unknown, it’s a bumpy ride!

What updates have been made to the Organic fighter ships in the Endurance update?
To me The Organic ships are some of the coolest ships available in no man’s Sky. Perhaps it came from my love of the expanding universe Star Wars story I read in my youth about the force resistant aliens who flew in organic ships that appeal to me. I enjoy the rheumatic palsy of the internals flight control systems that make the player feel like the ship is alive and breathing.
Being that the ship is a living creature its weapons are based off of anatomical parts. The ship literally shoots lasers from his eyes and uses as a scream suppressed suppressor which ax as shielding for the creature. It’s heart and brains function as its navigation computer and its pulse engines. With a new endurance update there have been a few more modifications to be added to the ship to make it even more impressive. Players cannot earn these organic modules by sending their sweets out on expressions. If the expedition has an organic freighter in its detachment and the chance for the player to receive a corrupted mission which drops Siconic egg upgrades for the living ships. The mods that are received are random.
The new organic ship mods are:
- The Wormhole brain is equivalent to the economy and conflict scanner
- Chloraplasmic membrane is the equivalent of the launch blaster, this Organic ship membrane uses the sun to recharge the launch engines.
- Neroshielding is a device that needs to be activated once a scan is underway. This hides the players cargo from sentinels looking for contraband.
- Grafted eyes are like the phase beam aboard normal ships. Great for mining asteroids
The player has a chance to earn Spawning sacs from their frigate expeditions. These sacs can be used to upgrade the Inventory slots aboard the organic ships. These slots have to be stored on the ship in order to be activated.

Hello games continues to impress and deliver for its Fanbase. This Latest endurance update is coming just before another community expedition that would be the 21st major update to No Mans Sky since it’s release. Since I began playing no man sky over two years ago, the game feels completely different and is just as interesting and engaging as it was the first day I landed on the planet. I highly recommend updating and jumping in to this latest version of no man’s sky if you haven’t already! I know you’re going to be as impressed and taken with the game as I am!