With the season in full swing nothing says summer fun like fishing! Unfortunately with global warming and natural wildlife being affected by the lack of rain water and receding lakes, at least here in California, fishing isn’t exactly in the cards for a lot of us. Some of us can’t take the time away from work to get out onto the water and enjoy the ancient relaxing art of fishing. Well, now you can enjoy beautiful fishing spots from all over the world in Fishing Clash by ten square games.

What’s is the Gameplay like in Fishing Clash?
The Gameplay in Fishing Clash is simple and easy to learn. However, the simplicity of the gameplay doesn’t reflect how deep the game actually goes when it comes to the details. I can honestly say I’ve learned a lot about fish while playing Fishing Clash and I didn’t have to suffer a 2nd degree sunburn to do it!

The player sits in a boat in a first person POV facing a body of water. There are sounds and environmental effects like birds flying through the air or crickets chirping. To cast their line the player simply touch’s the “cast” icon. A random fish will attach itself to the line which will trigger a mini-game of tapping the “reel” icon. The player needs to keep the tension of the line in the indicated spot on the meter to gain the “combo” bonus. If the player doesn’t keep the line tense enough the fish could escape or if the line is too taught, the line could break. Once the fish is tired it will automatically be reeled into the boat and the player will be given a graphic showing the total weight, size, experience, and coins earned.
Graphically the game is well done and well modeled. The fish look like the species they are meant to represent and is very realistic. There is no blood or violence in the game so it’s appropriate for all ages.

Can I personalize my Profile in Fishing Clash?
Players are given a profile where they can change their avatar character and keep track of wins and badges earned. Additional avatars are unlocked by purchasing microtransaction packs or leveling up in game. Players can also change their player frame known as a “skin”, and their player name.
Under the progress tab players can keep track of their licenses as well as the amount of fish that have been discovered for particular fisheries, the bosses defeated, and percentage of the fishery that has been completed.
What kind of Locations are there in Fishing Clash?
When you first start the game you are given the first location which is known as a “fishery” for free. This first location is the Florida coast. Here you can catch all manner and types of fish and learn the basics of the game.

New fisheries are locked every 10 levels up to level 60. After level 60 new fisheries are unlocked at every 5 levels.
Each fishery that you unlock also comes with a challenge. These challenges are time-based and rewards players for reaching specific milestones at that location. With each milestone that is reached the players given a pack of prizes that includes coins, pearls, equipment, and other boosts.
What kind of Gear is there in Fishing Clash?
As any fisherman worth their weight in trout knows you’re only as good as your gear. There are a variety of fishing reels and lures that are available for players to unlock by either leveling up or by spending pearls in the shop.

Once rods are unlocked they can be upgraded by meeting the requirements for that individual rod. For instance to upgrade a Rod to 3-stars the requisite might be 4-5 2-star Rods.
Rods also come with special attributes called “perks”. These perks are additional bonuses to weight and size of fish caught or a chance to catch a particular fish. Players can choose to draw for another perk if they choose by spending pearls or if an additional slot is unlocked by leveling up the rod. Each Rod can have up to 7 total active perks applied.

What are Licenses used for in Fishing Clash?
You can’t fish without a license! Players earn a license for every fishery location they unlock. As players catch fish the points earned are applied to the license for that spot. Players are given bonuses based on the level of the license. Players can unlock a “pro” level fishing license for additional pearls which gives added bonuses. These bonuses include competition bonuses or boosts to weight and size of specific types of fish caught. Each license has a total of 12 active bonuses.

Is there a Skills tree in Fishing Class?
Players can unlock skills that help improve their fishing experience and customize their experience. Skill tokens are needed to improve skills and can be bought for coins or pearls. Skill bonuses are boosts to luck percentage, boosts to the weight of the fish caught, and combo bonuses just to make a few.
What are lures used for in Fishing Clash?
Lures help players catch fish at their specific locations. Lures can be general for that location or be specific to a fish that can only be found in that area. Lures can be upgraded with coins to increase the weight and size of the catch.

Fish come in all species, shapes, and sizes in Fish Clash. Some fish might even come in different rare or legendary variants like black or albino.
What kind of Achievements are available in Fishing Clash?
Players reach milestones called achievements and are awarded with pearls. Some of these achievements are rewarded for unlocking fisheries, upgrading gear, or catching a specific weight in fish. Pearls are the main currency in the game so it’s advantageous to the player to take advantage of the achievements and actively pursue them.
What are the Microtransactions like in Fishing Clash?
As with most free mobile games microtransactions are an essential part of the game. I myself have not felt the need to spend any additional money in Microtransactions however there are many packages available starting at $.99 all the way up to $99.99 for a bundle of pearls. Spend carefully!
Overall fishing clash is a fun fishing game that is appropriate for all ages. Players can compete with friends or strangers in competitions or in leader boards. Each fishing encounter only lasts a few seconds so it’s a fun game to pick up and play on a whim without needing to invest a whole lot of time. I recommend this game for all fishing games enthusiasts! Enjoy your time on the water!
For more on the wide world of freemium P2W, see our piece on microtransactions.