If you were a kid like me growing up in the 90s you probably spent a semester’s worth of college tuition in the arcade. If you weren’t playing Mortal Kombat chances are you were playing the teenage mutant ninja turtle arcade game. My TMNT arcade game was just across the street at the local bowling alley. I would take my two dollars a week allowance and sync all 8 quarters into about an hours worth of playtime… That’s pretty much all two dollars and my skills could afford in the 90s.
I was a huge fan of the Eastman and Lairds Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comic book as well as the television cartoon show. I collected the toys, I had clothes, and the comic books. The video game was the closest we youngsters could get to living out our TMNT adventures.

Now as adults we’ve been hit right in the “nostalgia button” Right from the opening title sequence taken straight from the cartoon with the remastering and release of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder‘s Revenge” the arcade game.
Just like the original, players can play side-by-side with other members of the ninja turtle squad including Master Splinter and mild mannered reporter, April O’Neil. Casey Jones is available to unlock as a playable character once gamers complete the story mode of the game.
In Shredder‘s Revenge, Shredder, with his army of evil “Foot” ninjas and his bumbling sidekicks, Rocksteady and Bebop, have teamed up with the inter-dimensional monster known as Krang, the brain-shaped emperor of Planet X. Krang needs Shredder to open a portal to Earth so he can bring his Terrordome into our dimension and rule over the planet Earth. It’s up to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their pals to stop evil before it starts.

What’s the Gameplay like in TMNT: Shredders Revenge?
Shredders revenge is a classic side scrolling button mashing adventure. Players work together to defeat waves of foot soldiers. Foot soldiers come in varying degrees of difficulty. The classic foot soldier is a purple shrouded pawn of the Foot army. The pink hooded Foot soldiers attack with shirukin, tiny daggers. The yellow hooded foot soldiers attack with ninja stars. Red hooded Ninjas leap in the air while throwing sais, while White hooded Foots fly in and attack with a landing sword blows. Players fight through the level until they reach a classic boss battle with one of the main villains from the cartoon series, like The Rat King or Bebob and Rocksteady. Players will have to move quick and act fast to defeat these unique bosses. Each boss has their own unique attack and they get more dangerous and aggressive as they take more damage.

There isn’t much to the complexity of the attacks available. There’s literally one button to attack. Pressing the attack button 4 times in a row will activate a combo attack. Players also have a jump button and a super attack button. If players hold down the normal attack button they are able to execute a special heavy attack. Players can mix and match attacks to create combos. The amount of combo hits is tracked at the top of the screen under the players name. As players string together combos they are given a “super attack” point, up to 2. These attacks are special ultra damaging flourishes that damage almost any enemy. Players can also team up with other members in the group and execute team combos for extra effect and damage. Players can also add a point to their super attack bar by pressing the “taunt” button. This will enter the player into a short animation where he taunts their opponents, however, players should know that they are vulnerable during this time.
As players level up their characters, either online or offline, they will unlock more super attack moves, like a jumping super attack. The max level for characters is currently set at 10.
Players can play the storyline alone or allow for others to join in on their gameplay. In reverse, players who have defeated the game can join in on others who are still playing through. Whoever is the leader of the group online controls where the group will play. If the leader of the group has completed the entire game they can choose to jump around to any level and replay that level with their group.
There are several hidden items and collectibles scattered throughout the game. Players can reveal these items by smashing marked boxes, trash cans, planters, or other odd looking objects. Players can also find quest items that are needed to complete side character quests from people like Irma, Aprils assistant, or Vernon, her hot headed news boss.
Players may also unlock power up and health pizzas. Health pizzas replenish the health of the character while power up pizzas give the player a sustained attack boost.
What playable Characters are available in TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge?
Shredder‘s revenge is packed with characters from the animated TV series. These playable characters are rated by stars in range, speed, and power. Players should pick their favorite or the one that best suits their playing style.
- Leonardo- the leader, uses dual katanas and has quick attack speed.
- Rafael – the rude dude, uses his dual sais to cut down the foot and is a close combat fighter.
- Michelangelo – the cool dude, uses is numchucks for a close combat action.
- Donatello – the smart one, attacks from range with his bow staff.
- Splinter- the Master, slashes the foot with his Rat claws in blinding power attacks.
- April O’Neil-The Reporter, the pen is mightier than the sword, but April will still clobber a foot over the head with her mic!
- Casey Jones-The Goalie masked Friend, uses an array of sporting equipment to smash the foot like baseball bats, a hockey stick, and a golf club.

What Quests and Challenges are in Shredders Revenge ?
Every level has either collectibles or challenges, some have both. These collectible items are required by characters that players rescue through the game.
- Vernon Fenwick is looking for lost videotapes.
- Irma is looking for her secret diaries.
- Burne Thompson wants his headlines. the Neutrinos are looking for crystal shards.
- The Punk Frogs are looking for tasty bugs.
When players find all of these items they can take them back to the quest character for a reward.

Are there any Special Quests and Challenges in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; Shredder’s Revenge?
There are also challenges to every level. These challenges vary depending on the type of level players are in. Some challenges include not taking any damage for the entire level, almost impossible, while other challenges are a little easier like defeating soldiers with special attacks,or avoiding falling into pits and traps.
Players can also be rewarded with special “trophies” for reaching milestones in game like teaming up for the first time online, consuming a certain amount of pizzas in a lifetime, as well as completing storyline objectives.
Overall Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder‘s Revenge arcade game is a great retro remastering of an arcade classic. I highly recommend this game to any lovers of the teenage mutant ninja turtles franchise as well as families of gamers who are looking for a game that everyone can jump in on. The total number of available players at one time is six… Although this can be a little chaotic on screen at times it does make for some fun gameplay.
Cowabunga Dudes!!!