Ever been stuck at work or on a long boring trip and you wish you could just get in a few rounds on the links? Tired of carrying golf clubs around in your car trunk in the hopes you might be able to get in a few holes in someday? Ever been on the toilet and just want to yell: “Fore!” to yourself? Or sink a putt as well as other things? Well, WGT Golf by TOP GOLF might be the mobile app game for you!
Players can set up their own avatar With a decent selection of customization. Players can pick their face shape, hair color, hair style, gender, and their dominant swing hand.
How do you play WGT Golf?
WGT Golf has done a wonderful job in making a golf game enjoyable on a handheld mobile device. If you ever played video game golf adaptations before you’ll find all of the controls very similar to what’s been on the market for years. The golf courses are modeled after real famous courses and done really well!

In order to tee off, the player needs to select the club that’s best for the distance they’re trying to hit. This can be done by selecting the golf club icon on the lower left of the screen. Players need to keep in mind the wind in factoring trajectory of their shot or their ball can be blown way off course.
When the player is ready for the golfer to hit the ball they simply need to tap the meter to begin the meter and tap again to stop it within the green zone to ensure the best hit. The closer to the center line in the green zone, the better the hit will be.
Once the ball is on the green the pressure is really on! The player will see a grid that will show the topography of the green. The moving dots show the grade that the green is sloping and how fast the golfers ball will roll. Starting the putting meter is the same as the swing meter. Good luck!

What good is apparel in WGT Golf?
The accessories the golfer wears is different from the gear that the golfer uses and is known as “apparel” in WGT Golf. The Player is able to upgrade the golfer with different apparel like sunglasses, hats, shoes, and gloves which can all be upgraded to improve the golfers stats, ball spin, or ball travel distance.
These items can be unlocked in sponsorship boxes or bought from the ingame pro shop for “golf credits.”

What can I do with Golf clubs in WGT Golf?
As any golfer knows, a significant portion of their success relies on how good their clubs are. WGT Golf is no different. Players are able to upgrade individual clubs to suit their needs. Players are also able to sell back any clubs they no longer use.
I found that the starter clubs do a pretty decent job with some minor upgrades. I haven’t felt the need to spend any golf credits in upgrading my clubs, however, the desire to do so is definitely there! Who doesn’t like to get an extra 10 to 20 yards on the golf club stroke? Some of the golf club upgrade can be a bit pricey so players might want to do a little research into the stats before making a purchase.

The Player can also choose to upgrade the type of ball that their golfer uses. Different balls have different designs and some have added bonuses and benefits. Some balls give extra time on the swing meter while some slow down the swing meter. Golfers should play around to find the ball the best fits their game play style.
Balls also have special trail effects that can also be purchased in the pro shop or earned in sponsorship boxes.
What Ranks are there in WGT Golf?
As players level up their golfers they’ll gain access to sponsorships that can reward them with gear and upgrades for their avatar. Players have to reach certain ranks and levels to qualify for some tournaments and sponsorship offers. Golfers start off as Amateurs and can move up to Pro and eventually Tour Champion!
Game modes
There is a variety of solo and muiltiplayer options in WGT Golf. Some are free to take part in while others cost an entry fee. The payouts for larger events like tournaments can be substantial. Leaderboards track the best players in the varying tournaments and events.

Solo play
Solo play is a great way to refine a golfers skills in-between tournaments and head to head play. Players can select from several pro courses and can choose to play a random 3 holes, the front or back nine, or the full 18 holes. Players can also take part in challenges like “closest to the hole”.
Once a player thinks their golfer has what it takes to take on the competition they can enter into tournaments mode. These tournaments are a chance for players to get a big payout if they’re able to do well against other golfers around the world. Most of these tournaments are free, however, some do have an entry cost. The tournaments with costs have a higher payout reward.

There are some limited time events like the virtual USGA GRAND SLAM U.S. Open sponsored by Lexus. Taking part in these events can sometimes reward the golfer with exclusive event apparel or gear just for taking part in the event. So it could be worthwhile for golfers to try their luck!
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice.
Pros know that the long game is fun, but rounds are won and lost in the short game. WGT Golf offers players the chance to refine their skills at no risk to their reputation on the leaderboards. Once you’re on the green putting is key to finishing out the hole ahead of your opponents, and practice makes perfect. Take advantage of the putting green and the training tutorial.
Head to head play
If players have friends that play WGT Golf they can get a quick match in with them using the head to head friend option.
If players are friendless in the Golf world, no need to fret! There are thousands of players online from around the world ready to take you on in the variety of head to head matches available. Almost all of the head to head matches require some sort of credit “buy in”. These can be as little as 20 credits or as high as 2.5 million..that’s a $99.99 match, however the payout is double that. So, there are some whales in this game for sure.

Ever want to be a member of a Country Club?
WGT Golf offers players the opportunity to create or join country clubs. Country Clubs are able to hold a member list of up to 100 players.
Being apart of a country Club has it’s benefits like special items in the pro shop or an additional XP bonus per round that the golfer plays.

What’s the difference between Coins and credits in WGT Golf?
As with all mobile app games the ability to purchase coins and credits can be done by tapping the coin icon at the top right corner of the screen. Coins are used for events like tournaments where as credits are used for gear and item upgrades.
Five different packages are available from $2.99 all the way up to $99.99.

Players can earn the ability to earn free credits by watching offer videos, taking part in sponsored offers, or taking part in surveys. The amount of coins received depends on the offers available. Some purchases may be required.
Overall WGT Golf is a fantastic mobile app game for all lovers of golf! I highly recommend it and if you can, get your friends onboard to play with you!
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