Do you have a need? A need for speed? Have you ever wanted to fly an F-15 in an all out Ariel dog fight? Have you ever wanted to exchange diplomatic relations while in a inverted pitch? Not since the 80s have gamers been able to play in officially licensed “TOP GUN” video game until now. “Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown” by Bandai Namco Entertainment, recently released a TOP GUN Maverick DLC which adds the infamous fighter jets, emblems, and nicknames from the “TOP GUN” franchise which are available to play in both campaign and multiplayer modes.
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown was released in 2019 and is the story based on a fictional war between warring nations in the land of “Strangereal” the same setting as previous Ace Combat games.
What is Gameplay like in Ace Combat 7:Skies Unknown?
I highly recommend a HOTAS flight stick for playing Ace Combat 7. Using a controller is ok, but players will have a slight disadvantage from players using flight sticks, especially when it comes to controlling the speed of the craft. The player can be a lot more effective when getting behind an opponent or dodging incoming missile attacks with a flight stick.
The best way for a player to avoid an incoming missile is to turn towards the incoming missile as it tries to home in on its target. They should never slow down for longer than a second or else the missile can catch them and boom, letter to Mom about how stupid her child was. Using the air brake to quickly change direction is an effective maneuver but aside from deploying counter measures, which are limited, the best bet is to lose the missile in the clouds. Cloud cover is awesome for ditching incoming rockets but the plane will start to ice up so pilots shouldn’t hang out in the strata for too long or their jet will ice up and stall.
The player can change the camera POV from first person, cockpit, or 3rd person views. Although the cockpit view is the more tempting view to be in because of the immersion aspect of it all but the more effective pov is the 3rd person. This view allows for a more accurate view of the action going on around you.
Campaign mode
The story takes place after the events of The previous Ace Combat games. The ruling government of Osean is constructing a space elevator to bolster the world economy after the long wars. Although his intentions are pure, the Erusean royal family sees it as a blight and a challenge to their sovereignty. They begin to resent the construction which eventually leads to the “Lighthouse war”, the main plot of the game. Players take on the role of “Trigger”, a pilot trying to prove themselves in Ariel combat.
The games storyline is progressed with cutscenes and voice over dialogue.
VR mode
The VR mode is a standalone solo campaign where players take on an old protagonist from an older Ace Combat game, Mobius 1, from the terrorist group Free Erusea. This campaign is apart from the main story in campaign mode.

Multiplayer mode
Multiplayer is broken up into two different game modes ”Battle Royale” and ”Team Deathmatch”. Both of these modes support up to eight players in a single room. Matchmaking is done very quickly and a list of available rooms, game options, and game type are available to see from the room selection menu. Some rooms limit the amount of the power of the jets allowed in combat or if “special” weapons are active.
Fighter jet power is indicated by a number on the top right corner of the fighter description. 2500 is the limit players can put on a room to ensure that nobody has an advantage when it comes to the father of the flying. Other rooms that have the option set to “unlimited” means just that, there’s no limit to the power allowed.
Is there any Fighter Customization in Ace Combat 7:Skies Unknown?
Players are able to add a little bit of customization to their fighters to make them stand out in battle. These include skins for the aircraft, emblems for the wings and tail of the aircraft, as well as unique nicknames that can be earned by achieving certain seats in combat. These options can be changed in the Hangar. Players can have up to 10 different variations of fighter jet saved in their fighter list to take into combat.
Aircraft tree
Players can improve the power of their fighter by adding additional parts to their jets. This can be done in the “aircraft skill tree” section of the menu. These unlocks are available for purchase for MRP which is earned by taking part in multiplayer missions. The better the player does in combat the more MRP they’ll earn. Some of these unlocks are only available in multiplayer and are not available for use in campaign mode. There is a limit to the amount of additional parts a player can put on their fighter so they will have to experiment and mix-and-match to find the customization that best suits their needs.

The multiplayer matches have a five minute limit and end pretty quickly. There is a bit of a learning curve when it comes to playing online but because of the arcade style of the game, players should adapt in about a weeks time. Until that the player should expect to die…a lot, not to worry, the respawn takes about five seconds and you’re back in the sky ready to die again!
Team Deathmatch
Players are broken up into groups of four fighters per group, alpha and bravo. These groups start off on opposite sides of the map and fly towards each other in a game of airplane chicken. The fighter group with the most overall kills wins the match. Teamwork definitely comes into affect but you have to watch your own tail because the action is fast paced and a little chaotic.
Battle Royale
Battle royale is exactly that, an all out battle between all fighters, no allies or teams. A room up to 8 fighter pilots go head to head against each other in a winner take all battle royale match. Players will need to take advantage of the full payload of their fighters to even stand a chance in battle royale.

What is in the Top Gun Maverick DLC for Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown?
Since the release of “TOP GUN: Maverick” has been such a hit the rooms have been packed with players reliving the dreams of becoming a fighter pilot and filling their need for speed!
Players can purchase the DLC for $19.99 or the full game bundle is available for $29.99 which comes with a pack a fighter jets exclusive to the TOP GUN: Maverick franchise including nicknames, emblems, and special skins.
The music between, during, and after matches has been updated to the classic Top Gun riffs that we’ve all come to recognize and love.
F-14A Tomcat
- Twin engine fighter jet
- LAAM, SAAM, SFFS special payload
- Comes with 6 skins
F-14A TGM (Top Gun Maverick)
- LAAM, SAAM, HPAA Special payload
- Comes with 8 skins including the Maverick and Iceman skins.
F/A-18E Super Hornet
- HCAA, 4AGM, LAGM Special weapon
- Comes with 6 skins
F/A-18E TGM (Top Gun Maverick)
- Well balanced maneuverability
- HCAA, HVAA, GPB Special weapon
- Comes with 6 skins
5th Gen Fighter Top Gun Maverick
- Versatile and highly maneuverable
- LACM, 4AAM, HCAA Special weapons
- Includes 6 skins
- A supersonic fighter with exceptional maneuverability and speed
- SASM, XSDB, PLSL Special weapons
- Includes 6 skins
- VF-1 & FA-213 Navy fighter squadrons from Top Gun Maverick
Character emblems:
- Maverick, Payback, Hangman, Rooster, and Bob
12 Nicknames like Maverick, Goose, Viper and more!
Two tracks from Top Gun played during multiplayer missions.

Overall if you’re a fan of flight fighter games, arcade style combat, or top gun and I highly recommend getting the ace combat 7: skies unknown with the top gun Maverick DLC. It’s a lot of fun and has a high replay value!
To learn more about HOTAS and its benefits, check out our review of the Thrustmaster T.Flight Joystick.