Who is PhilsGoneWild?
PhilsGoneWild is a rare bird. Rather than try to describe what encapsulates Phil, I’ll let Phil encapsulate himself:
Hi y’all I’m Phil, your friendly depressed socialist! Born and raised in Los Angeles, just a guy trying to have fun and entertain the masses with his cat Fred. Come have some fun with us before late-stage capitalism kills us all!
Phil streams action-thriller titles like Evil Dead, but as the bio indicates, the subject matter is quite a bit deeper. Phil diversions range from anti-capitalist manifestos to lucid dreaming tales.

One particular gem of an episode, was a bit of storytelling during a recent Evil Dead Stream. Quoth Phil:
It was a string dream, and y’all were in it. If I know what you look like, you were in it and if I don’t know what you look like, it was my mind’s rendering of you.
There were people from the stream, and we were doing an escape from a Star Destroyer immersive experience. We had to escape from this Candarian Demon thing, but it’s an actor, you know, like in a suit. And the guy with us who was in a giant Chewbacca suit was like “Whoa, we’re having a great time, dude!” And so Chewbacca takes it upon himself to grab the alien and throw him off the cliff. And we’re like “Whoa!” And then suddenly, instantly, lights come on and everything stops and it’s like “We need a medical team! Oh, my God, he’s really hurt.”
And the rest of the dream is the fallout of someone from my group chucking this escape room actor off a cliff. And the parents of the actor come and are like “it’s not your fault, Phil, you did what you thought was right.” And I was still streaming while we filed the police report while the actor’s family was wondering if the alien actor would ever walk again. It was so fucked up and stressful, man.I woke up all stressed out and was like “Whoo, it was just a dream.. But, wait. When I stream in my dreams, my audience in real life can see it. And they’ll know I’m an asshole.”
For you amateur dream interpreters out there, yes, it seems that Phil bounds through immersive adventures, throwing caution to the wind. Collateral damage will occur at times, with the occaisonal normie plummeting off of his psychedelic gravity rainbow, but he always sticks around to sweep up the mess.
Phil the Thespian
Phil’s forays into the shattered mind of Samuel Beckett have prepared him for his Twitch dreamwalking. Ask any Urban Shaman.

Another exciting project on the horizon is God of Work, the God of War-based sitcom by G4. Scuttlebutt says that Phil plays an office villain on this show.
Proof of this can be found on Phil’s IG.

Phil in a Nutshell
PhilGoneWild is a deep dude. He may nominally spend his time slaying hell-demons in a hack-and-slash, but he’s doing it while having a frank conversation about gun control and deciding whether dreaming of a moose bank-teller is meaningful to his RL finances. Definitely worth a follow.
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