This is a game you cannot refuse… If you are a fan of the Corleone saga by author Mario Puzo or the fantastic Academy award winning Godfather films by Francis Ford Coppola, then you’re gonna wanna check out “The Godfather: Family Dynasty” mobile app game by Paramount & FTGames for your device!

What is the gameplay like in the Godfather: Family Dynasty?
In the Godfather: Family Dynasty players are a “Boss” in the Corleone family. As a Boss, the player is given a nice mansion that can be upgraded to gain additional benefits. The player also has other properties to maintain like a library and a pool, which gives players daily prizes and a neighborhood that can be upgraded and improved. Buildings like the boxing gym, an explosive chemical company, and a firing range produce the foot soldiers for your crew known as “button men”. You know, and the boss wants someone to have a button pushed… They push it for you!
A good illegal operation needs good bookkeepers to wash the dirty money earned from the illicit enterprises that the players undertake. This is done in the “accounting firm” where accountants can wash money in a variety of ways. These are set on a timer and cost a little bit of cash to execute.

There are several other buildings in your neighborhood that help your gang like the hospital, hotel, and terrace so players are kept very busy upgrading these buildings, which give different benefits like increased troop capacity, intelligence against your foes, or more healing and fewer casualties in battle.
Players have a construction and a research queue that shows the players progress. The construction queue shows buildings time remaining on structures the player is currently upgrading. Players can speed up the time queue by using gold coins or “speed up” items which can be earned in battle and as prizes and rewards.
Does the Godfather: Family Dynasty have anything to do with the movies?
The Godfather: Family Dynasty has a story mode which takes players through the events of the Godfather saga beginning with “Connie‘s wedding.” Unfortunately, the graphics pass kind of fast so players are not able to fully enjoy the rendered artwork from the movies, but it does follow storyline closely. Familiar faces appear in game, like Don Clemenza, and interact with the player and give mission updates and advice.

As a Boss, players gain rank and are able to equip items to aid them in battle as well as customize their avatar and change their player name by clicking on the player icon on the top right of the game screen.
As players level up in rank they are able to recruit and command more “capos”, or captains, from the local night club. These capos all have slots that can be upgraded to improve their efficiency in battle. Each capo can take up to four types of buttonmen into battle. Each of these buttonmen all have unique abilities and attributes.

How does combat work in The Godfather app?
Combat is played out like a card game and is turn-based. Graphics in the battle sequences are basic. Cards slide across the screen and attack each other with combat noises and a small visual effect. Whenever a buttonman does a drive-by, for instance, a small 1930’s style car drives across the screen… And that’s it. These engagements do get boring, thankfully I think the designers realized this and put a fast-forward button to the lower left of the combat screen that let’s players skip to the end of the conflict and gives the results of the battle.
As players expand their mansion and personal crew the godfather will ask them to run errands for him like going to the Hamptons and muscling out competition that is moving in on the godfather‘s territory. After these engagements players are given rewards in the form of cash, materials, or items to equip to your capos. Whenever a player takes over a business they can upgrade it to produce more income or resources.
The Godfather is all about family. As such, players can join “a family” of other players in the game. As part of a family players are given bonuses in family medals. These medals are controlled by the “heads of the family”, the leaders of the group, and can only be changed every few weeks. They give bonuses to the entire family like additional profits from gathering resources or more HP strength in combat.

Players in the family can help speed up building and research queues as well as send reinforcements to aid if the players mansion comes under attack. The heads of families can engage other heads in family to family wars. This is why it’s important to improve the mansion walls which help fortify against enemy attacks.
The game has a very cool big band soundtrack that helps lend to the feel of the era of the game. The graphics are decent and comic book style. There are comic book style cut scenes from the godfather movie but, as I mentioned earlier, they move a little bit too fast for my liking. The user interface is pretty easy to understand with most of the necessary icons located at the bottom of the screen for easy access . The game functions really well in keeping the player notified of any new rewards they have earned with visual notifications that appear at the bottom of the game screen. Some rewards do have time limits on them so it’s a good idea to check the notifications often.
There are micro transactions in this game for gold which range from $4.99 up to $99.99.

The Godfather: Family Dynasty is a fun mobster themed game with plenty to do and is easy to get into. I haven’t felt the need to spend any real money on the game in order to advance or enjoy any of the features as there are plenty of free log in rewards and gifts for taking part in the game and active events. If you’re a fan of mobile app games with a pop culture theme or The Godfather, then you probably want to check out the Godfather family dynasty.
Also, you might want to check out “The Offer” on Paramount+ which is the story of the making of the Godfather movie.
Make them sleep with the fishes!
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