Ever just want to wander around an island and randomly shoot everything in your path like Indiana Jones? Well then shooter’s island is the island and game for you! This is a new FPS, developed by Seminaut Game Studios, for the windows operating system and supports both standard and virtual reality (VR) versions.
Gameplay: Shooter’s Island
You’re on a tropical type island by yourself, a very large volcano is in the center and water moves gently moves as flowers sway in the wind. There are different shooting ranges to choose from in both an urban city setting as well as a forest setting. The player can shoot with either a handgun, sniper rifle, or assault rifle. It’s pretty much an open world as far as traversing the landscape.
The player can test and improve on their shooting skills in The City, the forest, or the Volcano with time trials as well as an accuracy rating. The maze is exactly what it sounds like, it’s a maze where the player can shoot targets that spring up around corners. The reticle to hit ratio on the shots was accurate and felt like a miss was a legitimate miss.

Graphics and Sound: Shooters Island
The graphics in the game are relatively simple and straightforward. There are no weather effects that I could see, so it’s always a nice day on Shooter’s Island! The music and ambience is somewhat relaxing. The pop and explosion sounds of the guns are simple and not very realistic.

Shooters island supports keyboard and mouse, Xbox controler, HTC Vive, and the Occulis Rift and Quest.
This isn’t a shooter game for the hard-core first person gamer. As a parent and uncle to a lot of young gamers, I would totally put this game on for my underage loved ones. There’s no Gore, blood, or violence in Shooter’s Island and the music and calming environment can keep young minds busy and entertained for hours. If you have gamers in your house that have itchy trigger fingers, but are still a long way away from the +13/Rated “T” for teen games, than Shooter’s Island is a good one for you!