A Horse Armor of Another Color
It’s no secret that we here at Gaming Yeeter are big fans of the Skyrim franchise! If you haven’t already checked out “The Adventures of Master Kush Warrior Kitty: A Skyrim Journal”, you should!
10 years after its initial release Bethesda studios has once again delivered to fans another update in the form of a 10th Anniversary Edition! If you are like me and a long-time fan of Skyrim and have bought several versions of the game, do not worry, the 10th anniversary edition is free to everyone who has purchased a version of Skyrim already, the new data should automatically update if you have updates turned on.

What’s new in the 10th anniversary Skyrim edition?
- Free PS5/Xbox Series X/S next-gen graphics and load time upgrades
- All three Skyrim DLC packs: Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn
- Survival mode
- Fishing!!!
- Saints and Seducers Quest content
- Rare Curios
- Numerous other additions from the Creation Club, including new quests, items, spells and locations!
Rare Receipes and Items
These new items are found all over Skyrim in shops, chests, and Kahjit camps. These are unique recipes and recipe ingredients new to the game so make sure you loot all of the mobs and check all of the chests for new content and spend some time experimenting at the alchemy table. The Kahjit camps often spawn outside of major towns, so make sure to keep an eye out.
Creation club content added to the Skyrim 10th Anniversary edition
Creation Club, is a community-driven item store for Skyrim and Fallout 4 introduced in 2017 and unsupported since 2019, although the store remained active and accessible. Players of the mod community submit their works for players to download and enjoy! “Mods” is short for modifications which are tweaks to the game, either in gameplay or cosmetics, made by everyday fans. CEO of Bethesda, Todd Howard, recently said in an interview with IGN that the mod community is something that they really want to promote and focus on. Hopefully making modding more than just a fun hobby but potentially a profession for those with skills.

New Survival Mode in Skyrim
For those players who really like to role-play their Skyrim adventure there is the new survival mode. In survival mode players are limited to the amount of items they can carry, there is no fast travel, and players must eat regularly as well as sleep in order to level up their character in game. This option can be toggled on and off in the settings menu in case it’s a little too hard-core for those who might want to try it out.

What New missions are available in the Skyrim 10th Anniversary Edition?
The Unquiet Dead and Farming
The quest for Farming path is known as the Unquiet Dead and starts by locating the Goldenhills Plantation, a farm just east of Rorikstead. After completing the quest players are able to have their own homestead for making things grow!
Ghost of the Tribunal and the Cause
Ghosts of the Tribunal starts with a quest called The Cause and locating the Mythic Dawn cult. The quest begins at Windhelm. Players must talk to the sailor captain just outside the city and pay him 250 gold to go to the island of Solstheim. He’ll take you to a town called Raven’s Rock – from there, head to the temple and read a book called Heretic’s Dossier: Blacksmith’s Confessional. Read that to prompt the quest and start this new mission.
Bittercup and A Dying Wish
The quest “A Dying Wish” starts the Bittercup questline. Players can start this journey by heading to the town of Falkreath to the Dead Man’s Drink tavern. There’ll be a document called Mysterious Altar, which will start the quest.

And last but not least the return of one of the biggest tropes in online role-playing games and Microtransactions is the horse armor. When Skyrim dropped one of its first DLCs it came in the form of a $2.50 piece of cosmetic armor you could buy for your horse. For some reason this didn’t land to well with the fans and bethesda received so much flack for it that they removed the item. Both versions of the item is now available in the creation store and it is free! Enjoy!!!