While the ‘Into the Void’ patch made some interesting additions, it also made some inadvertent deletions.
My character felt a bit violated this afternoon, when I logged in after assimilating the New World 1.1 patch. I woke up in the Brightwood Inn and noticed that my lower half was a bit chilly. Lo and behold, my boots, pants, gloves and hat were gone. Had I been drinking? Did I spend a bit too much time at the bellows and pass out from the heat? Did I eat some bad squid meat? Embarrassed, I ran into the nearest outhouse and found some emergency mining slacks in my bag.
My entire harvesting outfit. Gone. My outdoor finery. My best silkweed-picking duds. Who could have done this? Did I have any enemies?
Oh. Oh no. No. It couldn’t be. Could it be?
Ok, it was probably Gertrude the Pigsticker.
Look, I’m not a proud man. I spend an honest day’s labor picking hyssop and skinning the occasional stag. Last night, it’s possible that I was chasing some blightroot near the edge of Brightrest Cemetery. I may have seen Gertrude and her little lancet. It’s possible that she looked lonely. Perchance, I pulled an ale out of my pack and offered her one. She hypothetically took it. We might have then chatted a bit about wide-brimmed hats and the local rabbit infestation. She potentially invited me inside her hovel for a nightcap.
Now look, just because a woman is Lost, doesn’t mean she can’t eventually find herself. Did we ever stop to think that slaughtering the eternal soulless over and over and over again wasn’t exactly therapeutic for them? Did we ever consider that they may be dragging themselves around farms and haunting shipwrecks because they’re looking for something — or someone — to listen to them? Did we ever try bringing them some chicken soup for the bit of soul that they have left?
Anyway, I’m not saying for sure that anything happened with Gertie. But, if you should happen to go by Brightrest, just leave a note before you make off with any cabbages. And if you see some striped men’s harvesting chinos, bring em back to the Inn, will ya?

Obviously this was a bit of fan fiction. In reality, the Harvester’s Set was deleted in a patching error, where devs flagged it as future content.
Stay tuned for more New World content on Gaming Yeeter, as it becomes Dr. Laserfalcon’s guilty pleasure.