Attention all you Freaks and Ghouls ‘Tis the season for things that go bump in the night and tales of ghost riders haunting the cowboys of the west. For those of us who look forward to Halloween fun in all aspects of our lives, including gaming, in game themed events have us like a kid during the holidays! Read Dead online has been one of those games for the last three years!

Rockstar is the king at not giving the fans what they want because every Halloween update the fans have been begging for an undead nightmare II DLC. If you’re unfamiliar with undead nightmare it was the exceptionally successful add on to the first red dead redemption which featured an entire storyline involving John Marston in an Aztec goddess/zombie apocalypse in the west. Undead Nightmare online pitted 4 players to face wave after wave of a growing zombie horde! Very similar to the recent “Call to Arms” series where in Players had to survive 10 waves and try to keep each other alive! Fans have not been out of line in there assuming that and then nightmare DLC will be available because of the amount of Easter eggs that are available in red dead online like the green jade mask that starts the zombie plague can be seen at the fence in Saint Denis as well as with the old man who changes your honor.

What Halloween Game Modes are available to play in the Red Dead Online Halloween Update?
Unfortunately, there is still no undead nightmare again this year! Instead, red dead redemption online has 4 special “call to arms” modes with atmospheric effects and waves of nightfolk for the Halloween season. A horned mask spawns randomly on the map and if a player is able to equip it they are given supernatural powers like a jump that sends players flying through the air! When playinf as a Night stalker you’re only able to throw tomahawks but if you do take damage it’s less damage than normal but players are not invincible. once players damage meter is reached or the mask time meter runs out the players immediately reverts back to their normal player self. NPC‘s in the Special mode are a lot more difficult and dangerous! I thought that hiding up on top of a house would protect me from the hatchet tossers but they are extremely accurate and deadly, even when you have the Highground!
Obi-Wan Kenobi would be surprised!
I highly recommend that these special Halloween game modes not be taken on solo or with even two players! it was very difficult with three and we didn’t make it past level six! If it is at all possible get a full group before you take this on to see if you can make it to the end Victory cut-scene!
The new stalker team maps are not just players versus crazed NPC‘s. There are Large albino alligators who also spawn and can take a lot of damage before they go down. Coordination with teammates is a must to try and survive! Game chat is a must but try to keep the screaming to a minimum.

In between rounds players have a chance to heal the NPC town’s people that are assisting by running up to them, hit the interact button to heal them. NPCs that need healing appear yellow on the mini map. The time given to heal NPC‘s between rounds shrinks as players progress in levels making it more difficult to get to all of the injured, so prioritize the more damaged from the ones that might be able to go a round without dying.
What are the cosmetic unlocks available in the Halloween Pass 2?
If players purchased all four of the outlaw passes, purchase, not complete, they should have received the Halloween pass 2 for free. If players did not but all four outlaw passes the Halloween pass costs 20 gold bars.

Being that I am impatient and have more gold and money in the game than I know what to do with I decided to unlock all of the Halloween pass levels with gold bars. all players can do this at the cost of one gold bar per level. Just look at the bottom of the screen on the pass reward page. One bar will be deducted per level. This Halloween pass is a mini pass, so it’s only 15 levels. I figured that unlocking all of the levels at the cost of 15 gold bars isn’t that bad at all. There are no free gold bar coupons in this Halloween pass but all of the unlocks are Halloween themed and definitely worth the 15 bar investment.

Some of my favorites include the devil jacket, the black widow pump action shotgun. The new melee weapon is a pair of really sharp scissors, perfect for the impulsive psycho looking for the nearest sharpest thing to stab with. Last but not least, the metal skull lantern.
How do I find Madam Nazar in Read Dead Online?
Madame Nazar has also stocked up with a collection of Halloween themed masks which are available to purchase from her if you can find her on the map. If you’re having trouble locating her I always recommend players to use the red dead redemption collector map, the unofficial online resource for finding what you need to find in the west. It’s a cool fan-made Real time web-based map that shows the possible location of the available items in the game as well as a timer for when he relevant we’re about to begin. Some of the items do not appear when the map says they will but I’ve personally found it to be extremely accurate and helpful. Using this map can really help maximize player game time if they are looking to grind collector level experience or complete the collector sets for big reward money!

This event last until November 18 so players have until then to unlock all of the levels of the Halloween pass before they are gone, potentially forever.
For more on Red Dead Redemption, see our RDR tag!