Like most gamers I have my favorite games and nothing gets me more excited for the holiday season then when these games have holiday themed events! Halloween is my most favorite holiday so I really love it when it gets special attention and crosses over into my games! Here are just a few of the games that I like to play around the spooky season!
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood-Ps4/VR
If you like to be scared, and I mean jump in your seat and scream out loud scared, then Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is the game to play!
Fans of the Until Dawn series will recognize a lot of the areas that this game visits. RoB is what’s known as a “rail shooter”, meaning players are on a set track of motion. This game is exponentially better and a thousand times more frightening when played with the VR and hand wands for that full immersive experience, just be sure your neighbors know you’re not in any real danger!

Emoji Blitz– iPhone and Android
You’re gonna wish upon a star that you didn’t miss this chance to get spooky Disney emojis to text to all your pals! Ghosts and Ghouls…this is Halloween!! Yes you can get all of the villains and of course Jack Skellington and his crew in this fun matching game. Players have to collect trick or treat bags to get the chance at the Spooky unlocks.

Mario Kart Tour- iPhone and Android
Vampire Waluigi and Princess Peach the witch are just a couple of holiday themed Racers available now until 11/2. Take part in “Halloween Pipe” loot chances to unlock Halloween themed racers, karts, and gliders. Make sure to aim for the Jack-o’Lanterns scattered across the track for extra points and bonuses!

The Simpsons Tapped Out-iPhone and Android
The Halloween season wouldn’t be the same without the cultural fingerprint the Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors has left with its fans. In this Springfield Town simulation the evil from Treehouse Houses of Horror past come back to haunt our favorite all-American town! “Mmmmmmm…forbidden donut!!!”

Predator Hunting Grounds– PS4 and Windows
You wouldn’t think an action FPS game with no holiday plots or tie-ins whatsoever would do something for Halloween but then again, there’s nothing more frightening than being stalked through a jungle with a human trophy hunter looking to turn your favorite head into a hood ornament! Now The hunting grounds are covered in darkness! The Predator can use the dark to its advantage but the fire team now comes equipped with night vision goggles that make the Predator easier to spot! There was also a major bug update launched 10/27 which fixed a lot of bugs and added the “exiled Predator” to the Roster.

Friday the 13th the Game. Ps4/Xbox/switch
It’s no Final Fantasy but it’s a lot of fun to play! Friday the 13th the Game wasn’t a “smash hit” according to retail reports, however, for horror fans like me, it was a fun chance to step into the shoes of the quickest walker in all of horror! Players stalk Camp Crystal L1ake looking for horny campers to kill. As a camper, you have to survive by making your way to the only car available or by calling the police for help. Of course Jason doesn’t make this easy for the campers with his ability to teleport across the map and can grab players through windows or bust through doors to get the camper and kill them in only ways Jason can! A good time and perfect game for Halloween!

Red Dead Online ps4/ps5/Xbox/PC
The online multiplayer version of Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Online, has a large Halloween themed event! Players can unlock special Halloween themed cosmetic items as well as participate in game modes that bring the spooky to the wild west. Check out my more in-depth review of this event here. (insert link)