The r/RedditSessions subreddit lets indie creators stream to massive crowds
Listening to Juliegolive’s Reddit stream is a little different than most streams in the best way possible. From her first rendition of “Black Sheep” I am transported from my couch to a simpler time. That time is 2013 sitting in a café off of Sunset Boulevard listening to a person with a great voice strum an acoustic guitar as I sip a black coffee and wonder what the movie Interstellar would be about. Mega streams have their place, the world needs Ninja as much as it needs the Rolling Stones or Dwayne The Rock Johnson, but my preferred show is much more Intimate. With all the Gravitas of an MTV Unplugged and the appreciation to the viewers that makes the audience feel as seen as the artist herself. Because what is Art but a wonderful and ethereal transaction between distributor and consumer? The price for this transaction is not monetary, it costs something worth much more: Time. I will pay that price.

Juliegolive’s stream is deeply human, with her struggles mentioned but never dwelled upon. She is brimming with charismatic gratitude to her viewers, and a voice that keeps them tuned in. Describing good music is difficult, because you know it when you hear it. I can tell you how delicious a bowl of soup is but you can’t feel the warmth or taste the notes of turmeric. One of her Originals “No one, No one” is incredible, and while she pads her set list with many covers that won’t be the case for long. She has the talent of someone destined for greatness, and the rest of the world will catch up soon.

Gaming Yeeter features indie streamers in gaming, music, poker and surrealist peanut butter jar still lifes. For more, see our Featured Streamers of the week.