Master Kush the warrior kitty is a Kahjit from the desert lands of Elsweyr. One afternoon while hunting desert rodents for an evening stew he took a tumble down a hill and was knocked unconscious. It was his bad luck to be picked up by a group of Stormcloak scouts who had let one of their prisoner’s escape. They shacked Master Kush and threw him in their prisoner cart, hoping their Captain wouldn’t notice the discrepancy in the prisoner manifest.
This is the journal of Master Kush’s adventures in Skyrim.
Day 1 The Riddle
I went searching for the “Riddle of Alduin” with the Blades, the old sect of warriors sworn to serve the Dragonborn. They told me how the Nords used a shout called “Dragon Rend”, a shout that cast Alduin in time but what they actually did was shattered time in Skyrim. Alduin was alive, somewhere. They did this Using the elder scroll. I need an Elder scroll I can travel in time to learn “dragon rend.” This should be interesting.
I needed more information, so I returned to the old guys on the hill, the Greybeards. The head of the order told me more about the riddle, how we used the thume against alduin. But only Paarthurnax, the master of the Greybeards, could give me the complete story. I had to make my way up the dangerous mountain to meet this recluse. My fur stood up on end when I discovered that Paarthurnax, the head of the graybeards, is a dragon!!! A detail I felt the Greybeards really should have clued me in on. How do we trust a dragon when our task is to rid the world of Dragons?

I spoke to the ancient creature. He told me to find the elder scroll. He told me that ARNGEIR would be someone worthwhile to seek for advice about the elder scrolls. The Greybeards werent thrilled that I was told about the elder scrolls for some reason but he says the dragon is the boss so does what is necessary. He told me to go to the college of Wizards, where I am the head wizard, to ask about the elder scrolls… Apparently my staff haven’t told me everything yet or I fell asleep during the orientation…
The Greybeards don’t really think I should defeat alduin they have the idea that the world is supposed to end. He says in order for me to learn the dragon random shout I had to take it inside of me and the shout is inherently evil so in order for me to take it inside of me I had to become evil. A cats gotta do what a cat does.
Day 3 Lizards Tales
I decided to visit my help to my kleptomaniac compadres I need to find that The thieves guild has an enemy… Scoundrels Foley
I’m going to speak to Mercer fray. He says an Argonian named Gulem-Ei an old contact of the thieves guild is somehow involved in this… He’s in solitude I need to go there and find out what he knows. Beynjoff a fellow thief knows him well I suggest that I bribe him to get him to talk. I’m not to hurt the lizard though. Maybe I could just take his tail… They go back right?
Gulum was pretty reasonable all he wanted was a case of fire brown wine for the information that I wanted. I had to steal it but then again I’m a thief and cat burglar after all
The lizard didn’t tell me anything real about the threat other than that there had some anger towards Mercer and she just flashed a bag of gold. I think I’m going to follow him
A guard stopped me on the road and said he knew who I was and said hail Sithis… That’s never happened before…Humans.

I followed Gulum to the east empire company warehouse. He lead me to a grotto…I had to threaten Gollum again! He gave me tha name, Karliah. He doesn’t know where she is but he claims she said went to “where the end began” and he gave me the deed to Goldenglow estate as proof of his loyalty and good intentions. He said he had no idea she was the one pulling the strings.
I told Mercer Frey about Karliah. Mercer knew her and he wasn’t too happy about hearing her name again. Apparently, Karliah had killed the former leader of the Thieves Guild and vanished. He knew “where the end began.” Mercer said it’s a place called “snow veil sanctum.” Soon…
Day 5 Helping a dark soul..
I met a man named Bolli in Riften. He’s a fisherman and he seems very charitable he mentioned a place called NIVENOR. I spoke to his wife. She doesn’t like how charitable he is and thinks that he’s making the people lazy but she also says that she doesn’t seem to mind to be spending his coin… Boli asked me to go to Markarth and talk to you KLEPPAR about a fisherman agreement he’s looking to expand his business west.

While in Markarth I met an aspiring alchemist INGUN Blackbriar. She says she’s stuck taking care of her families shop in Rifton and can’t really get out and explore the world like she needs to gather ingredients to further her craft as an alchemist. She asked me to gather some ingredients for her, I know I’ve got a few of them at home, I’ll have to check back next time I’m in town. She comes from well-to-do family and has aspirations to run in “darker circles”… She loves watching a persons heart stop or watching them go blind, she’s definitely got a Darkside to her. She wants me to find “death bell” which is found in the tundra, nightshade i can find in the forest, and Nimroot grows by water. Her boss Hafjorg a kind human woman and wife to a master alchemist Elgrim. She asked me to pick up some more for her to be identified near Shorestone.
On my way to find Runils journal in bloated mans grotto. I ran into the “Vigilants of Stendarr” they are Daedra hunters and any other “abominations” to the living. Their order was crucial during the Oblivion crisis. They reside in a place called the “hall of the vigilant”
I’ll have to check it out soon.

Day 7 Journaling is theraputic!
While I was looking for the journal near “Bloated Mans Grotto” I ran across an abandoned house… inside there was a shrine holding a sword of Bolar, last of the Blades to survive the attack on cloud ruler temple. He took refuge in this hall and battled THALMOR to the death. He says if I am worthy I should take up his blade to do the same. Free sword…it’s not much use to me but free is free!

I read Runils’ journal and it’s sad to say that he looks like he’s suffering from some traumatic nightmares from his days in the war. Writing in his journal has helped him. He’s also been having some strange dreams of helping a stranger and a dragon. Maybe he foretold my coming to Falkarth . He complains that is such a gloomy place in his journal but he never lets at noon to anyone else around him. War can be hell, therapy helps.