Master Kush the warrior kitty is a Kahjit from the desert lands of Elsweyr. One afternoon while hunting desert rodents for an evening stew he took a tumble down a hill and was knocked unconscious. It was his bad luck to be picked up by a group of Stormcloak scouts who had let one of their prisoner’s escape. They shacked Master Kush and threw him in their prisoner cart, hoping their Captain wouldn’t notice the discrepancy in the prisoner manifest.
This is the journal of Master Kush’s adventures in Skyrim.
Week 4
Day 1 Reporting for Doody
I reported to the Imperial Camp for Imperial duty…time to do my part. I met my commander Rikke, she asked me to steal some plans from an enemy courier before he can deliver its message. I found him easy enough running along the road, he wasn’t too happy to see us and he picked a fight. I made short work of him and found the enemy’s orders in a satchel. I gave the plans to Rikke who made some alterations and wanted me to deliver them to the enemy myself! Good thing I was part of a dramatic improvisation troupe back home, the Aristocats.

Day 2 Nightmare Fuel!
I met a priest of Mara in Dawnstar. All the people in Dawnstar are having issues with nightmares. He asked me to help him investigate a temple that he believes is responsible. Once inside we were met with a magical barrier, a big blue squishy looking wall. We couldn’t pass. I ran into an elf who seemed to know too much about the temple and the traps waiting for us so I pressured him into telling me what he knows. Turns out that my instincts are correct, he knows who was responsible for what happened here because he was actually there. He had been a priest in this temple and he abandoned his brothers to die to save his own life. He wants to fix his wrongs. He thinks he needs to satisfy his God so she can rest stop preying on the people of Dawnguard.
Once we got around the magical barriers we made our way to the library so we can make a potion that would put me into a dream state and I’ll be able to see the memories of what happened that night in the temple. We had to fight legions of orcs until we reach the Staff of corruption. While my Elf companion was enchanting the staff to take possession of it a voice in my head, literally a booming ghostly voice, told me that he was lying to me and that he would soon betray me. He had lied to me three times already so I did not take the opportunity for a fourth and killed him before he could finish the ritual and take control of the staff. I took the Staff of Corruption, less it fall into wicked hands. It’s a divine weapon which is powered by the dreams of people. When used, it changes the target into a random thing. It’s a weird weapon that is a bit too random for my tastes. I’ll put it up for display in my house.

Day 3 Greetings from the Astroplane!
When I was making my way through the Solitide square I met a dark elf who was perplexed and had an unusual request: He wanted me to ask his boss to come back from vacation…? I thought it was a strange request but I decided to help him out. I should’ve known better! I was told that I could find some information about his benefactor in a nearby building. While walking through a seemingly normal hallway I was transported into another plane, into the mind of a madman aa a Daedra was tormenting him. The evil demon kept me trapped inside this nightmare until I was able to solve his riddle and escape. Nothing was as it seemed, Im not sure how I solved his puzzle but I did. the Daedra seemed to take a liking to me, instead of keeping me trapped in this weirdness forever he gave me the Jabberwocky as a reward for my patience. One curious thing about the Jabberwocky staff while I was on my way to DawnStar I met a peasant woman who recognized that I was holding it. She asked me to bless her with it, so I did…she turned into to a rabbit. Some of these Daedras are really weird and so are their followers…

Day 4 Time to Get in the Fight
My new allegiance to the legion has me preparing for battle. After my successful reconnaissance mission to plant misinformation to disrupt our enemy’s reinforcements at Fort Dunstad, where the stormcloaks have dug was time to attack. It was a fierce battle. I made sure Lydia stood back. I couldn’t risk her life. Not for politics. We won the battle with minimal loss to our side!
I returned home to sell my bounty and learn some new skills in blacksmithing. I visited a temple where a priest asked me to retrieve the Amulet in the Whiterun Catacombs…how do I keep getting involved in these things. Oh yeah. I’m a hero Warrior Kitty!! It was an easy task. I decided to head east to finally forge the Gaulder amulet that I found awhile ago. The quest took me under a waterfall to a place called Reachwater rock. There, next to a dead adventurer, was an emerald claw. This was just like the others I’ve collected across Skyrim so far.
I faced a hoard of ghosts and finally facing off against, Gaulder, who was a spirit torn into 3 tortured entities. Gaulders amulet, once forged, made me an overall more powerful Kitty!
Day 5 You Want to Stick Me Where?
I ran across an elf name Nelacar in Winterhold who told me about Azurá Star an ancient artifact that was able to trap souls…I journeyed into a sunken fort near a river where I was able to find the Star which was broken…I took it back to Nelacar at the Frozen Hearth Inn. A wizard who was trying to use a star had become trapped inside the star and his tortured soul requires other souls to survive. Now the dark elf says we must stop him in order to prevent the stone from stealing more souls, I think…Nelacar talks a lot. But in short he wants to put me inside of this crystal, the one that doesn’t let souls out, so I can deal with this… I guess? I’m going to have to think about this one a bit and I told Nelacar I would return. Yeah, right…

Day 6 Fancy Museum Day!
I went to Dawnstar because I received an invitation to a museum opening… I like shiny things so I wanted to go. I was stopped outside by MADENA who warned me that this was a Museum to the artifacts that almost destroyed TAMIREL years ago.
The one opening the museum is named SILUS and he wants to try to reclaim his families pride and redeem their name that was tarnished by their actions centuries ago. Madena feels it’s a miss guided attempt and a bad idea that will end in tragedy. I went into the museum where Silus offered me some work. He seems like his heart is in the right place, even though his family has a history of making bad decisions. Hopefully he learned from history like he says he has.
Day 7 Godspeed My Friend.
I lost Lydia in the battle of Winterhold. We were studying in the college when the village fell under attack by Ice wraiths! We made our way to the entrance to the school where we formed a fighting line. We were fighting side by side until we were separated during a chaotic time in the battle. I was given orders to report back to the school, I looked around but couldn’t immediately see Lydia, she must have stayed to defend the citizens. After the battle I looked for Lydia for hours but to no avail. I figured she would head towards home in Whiterun if she couldn’t find me. On my way out of town the devastation from the Frey was still laying all around the village. As I was walking past the burnt bodies I noticed Lydia’s Ebony mace sticking out of the snow. As I approached the pile of ashes I began to recognize other things that Lydia owned. Her armor, The necklace I gave her…that’s when I knew she didn’t make it out of the fight. She was a loyal and dedicated servant. She’ll be missed by the girls especially. Godspeed my friend! Meow!