Master Kush the warrior kitty is a Kahjit from the desert lands of Elsweyr. One afternoon while hunting desert rodents for an evening stew he took a tumble down a hill and was knocked unconscious. It was his bad luck to be picked up by a group of Stormcloak scouts who had let one of their prisoners escape. They shacked Master Kush and threw him in their prisoner cart, hoping their Captain wouldn’t notice the discrepancy in the prisoner manifest.
This is the journal of Master Kush’s adventures in Skyrim.
Day 1- Ahem, You Grabbed My Horn…
I finally found out who stole that horn before I could get to it and left me that note instead, asking me to meet them in Riverwood. It’s never who you’d suspect…at least not when it comes to deep undercover agents of a mythical organization who were said to be legend. Delphene the innkeeper! Apparently she’s been hiding out and posing as a lonely innkeeper when she is one of the last “Blades” in existence. The Blades were a group of dragon slayers that once served the Dragonborn. Delphine told me all this as she led me to a site not too far outside of the village. She watched me as I slew a dragon all by myself, she wanted to see if I could handle it, as even the worst of Dragonborn should be able to slay a dragon. She is investing why these dragons to come back to life, they aren’t returning from a vacation. These are the old dead Dragons popping out of their burial grounds…like fire breathing daisies!
She suspects the Thalmor are behind it. the Thalmor we’re behind the release Ulfric which coincidentally happened during a dragon attack, I think she’s onto something and I think they might be connected too.

On an aside I was finally able to take the horn to the Graybeards, where they officially recognized me as the Dragonborn and taught me some new Dragon words. I didn’t get a badge or anything that says I’m a Dragonborn, it might help get me out of some jams…maybe score some free coffee. Whatever, the ability to shout at people in public is usually something that lands you in the padded cell, at least now I have a legitimate excuse.
Day 2 Party Like A Rockstar
Delphine asked that I meet her In the town of Solitude so I could sneak in to a Thalmor party and find out what they know about the return of the dragons. I was able to cause a distraction by giving a guy at the party enough booze and encouragement to cause enough ruckus for me to slip away and do some cat burglaring, one of my natural skills being a Khajit.
I found some journals…
The Thalmor know nothing about the return of the Dragons but they aren’t innocent either. They are actively hunting Delphine and wanting to interrogate “The old Blade loremaster” Esbern for what he knows about Dragons. Delphine says he’s the person alive with any knowledge of Dragons.
Delphine asked me to seek him out in Riften. He’s a little paranoid so she told me to ask him what he was doing on the “30th of frost fall.” He should know I’m a cool cat.
Day 3 Back to Skewl?
I went to magic school! It’s in a big castle at the top of a hill…
We went on a field trip to a magical excavation pit in the mountains. I slayed another dragon and learned how to freeze my foes with my voice! I was asked to assist Arniel Gane in discovering magical artifacts. The cave is unstable. Things keep near missing my tail! I picked up a magical amulet that lead me to a vision from a wizard telling me to watch myself because I’m being watched…by something called “The psijic order.” A secret order of wizards who are just another legend in Skyrim, apparently not. My teacher Tolfdir said it’s a good thing we found “something” underground. I say something because we don’t know what it is. It’s a big ball of something. I really wanted to smack it around. Like REALLY Badky…Tolfdir sent me to the arch mage with the news who told me to “do my research” in “The Arcanum”, the mage magical library. Urag the orc librarian said what He is looking for some books stolen by a rogue mage and I’d need to track him down…meow! He was also looking for some writings by another mage “Shalidor” and if I could find that he would be really grateful.

Ancano a strange dark elf mage “advisor” seems really interested in what I know. I’m not sure I trust him. There’s a rumor going about that’s he’s a Spy for the Thalmor. I tracked The writings down and found the dark elf mage whole stole them. He helped me escape but unfortunately died in the fight. I recovered three books they talk about a night of tears…. I was also able to find the writings which were located with a strange orb. When I picked up the orb a voice spoke to me and told me to head to a mountain and return the orb to its place and I will become a cleansing light… Whatever that means. As long as it’s not a bath. I don’t like water.
I gave the orc librarian my findings. He’ll let me know what he finds out. I met another Kahjit named j’zargo he wants me to test some scrolls out for him. They weren’t that bad, aside from blowing up and causing me and Lydia some 4th degree burns..singed fur sucks! I hope it grows back. I’m gonna have to wear a hat for awhile.
A monk from the “Psjic Order” visited the school. He kind of got me in trouble with Ancarno..they need me to do something about this object we’ve discovered. I’m not sure what exactly or why, it’s something to do with “The Eye of Magnus.” He says we aren’t ready for its power. He says that the Auger Of Dunlain can help me out with more information.
I found the AUGUR who was a student of the college, at one point in time, and he was thirsty for knowledge. unfortunately the knowledge he was seeking seemed to have literally consumed him and turned him into a big ball of light! I wanted to chase him but he just stood there hovering. He warned me that all the search for knowledge will do is consume and destroy. I guess he’s not big on higher education. Sounds like my parents. He tells me to see with the Eye of Magnus But first I need his staff..makes sense. I can’t see anything in the morning without my coffee!

Day 4 I Am Dragonborn!
When I got back to Whiterun I was met at the Gates by some cultists who claimed that I wasn’t a true Dragonborn. The nerve! I was just starting to believe it and these dicks start publicly salting my name! Luckily I had some back up being a “Thane of Whiterun” and the city guards made quick work of the would-be assassins. Once we searched their bodies we discovered a note saying that somebody from solstheim , a village outside of Windleham…had sent him.. looks like I’m going to windelham to kick some ass!!!
I spoke to Captain Saltsage who brought the assassins to me from Raven Rock. He says that they cast a spell on him and he doesn’t remember.

While in Windhelm I ran into an orphan who was abused. He thinks he summoned the dark brotherhood but I’m not him. I felt bad for this kid, he wants me to kill his abuser. I think I will. I don’t know what it is with me and orphans but I met another little girl, Sofia, who needed some help. so looks like I’m a father of two now!
Day 5 I’m Sailing Awaaaayyyy!
I booked the ice runner out of Skyrim to Solstheim, in Morrowind. When we arrived at Raven Rock We we’re met by the local counsel who advised us that the laws of Morriwwind were in effect. I’m gonna find out who tried to kill me in Whiterun. I’m looking for someone named Miraak.
While making my way towards the temple of Miraak I ran across a treasure hunter digging. He says he needed some help to get past all the falling ash. I had some coin so I decided to go into business with him. He’ll send word when he finds out more.
I explored Raven Rock for a bit, it’s a lot too dangerous for me right now. I’ll be back…I’ve got some investments brewing.
I found a letter on the body of a dead zombie Drauger. He was buried with a broken amulet. I’m gonna have to figure out what his story was. I travel to a place called Geirmund’s Hall looking for answers to this riddle.
I made my way through countless undead to find the coursed soul of Gerimund himself. He appeared in multiple places and would disappear just as fast. I used my Ice Th’ulm to feeeze him in. It was powerful and killed him instantly. I found the last broken fragment of his amulet… I think I’ll Forge it into one again. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt anything.

I went back home to Whiterun and met a treehugger named Danica Pure-Spring Who asked for my help to repair the Gildergreen tree which sits in the middle of whiterun outside of the Kynarth temple. She asked me to get something called “Needlebane”… She failed to mention that it was being guarded by a powerful hagraven and her coven of witches who use fire and ice to defend their nest. Lydia and I were able to sneak our way as close as we could taking out one witch at a time until the hagraven unleashed all her forces on us. After a long battle I put an arrow through that hagravens heart and collected Needlebane. I think I’m going to need this later.
Day 6: King Olaf..we knew thee not!
So at the recommendation of somebody who I can’t remember told me that I should check out the bard college. It’s in Solitude so I decided to check it out and knock out two birds with one stone being that I was in town. They roped me in, signed me up, and convinced me to run down something called King Olaf’s verse. They need this verse to convince the queen, whose husband was just assassinated mind you, to throw a party where they burn a king In effigy. These insensitive pricks wanna party while she’s grieving?! Let’s see if this poem convinces her.
The guys at the bards college told me to go to a place called “dead man’s respite” That’s not foreboding at all. Sure enough, as soon as I got in hoards of dead things start coming at me including large spiders!! I did find an arcane enchanter inside of this place which taught me how to enchant and destroy items to learn their magic. I enchanted my bow to drain 20 points of magic. MEOW!
I saw a ghost, I assume was the original writer of this verse who was sentenced to death by king Olaf or something like that… He led me to the place where the verse was entombed. I’ll take those back to the bards at the college and see if I can get a honorary diploma or something. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the flute!

Day 7- You can have my axe!
The rebellion is at our gate in Whiterun. They are bombarding our gates with catapult fire. I went home to secure my children and the look in their frightened eyes made my heartache and put steel in my veins. I will defend our home, I have a family now! It’s not about me anymore. I’ll be making my way to the front! I hope I survive but I will die bravely if it’s meant to be! I’m the Dragonborn…I got this!
You can read more about Master Kush’s adventures on our Skyrim page.