Master Kush the Warrior Kitty is a Kahjit from the desert lands of Elsweyr. One afternoon while hunting desert rodents for a delicious evening stew, he tripped on a rock, took a tumble down a hill, and was knocked unconscious. It was his bad luck to be picked up by a group of Stormcloak soldiers who had let one of their prisoner’s escape. They shackled Master Kush and threw him in their prisoner cart, hoping their Captain wouldn’t notice the discrepancy in the prisoner manifest.
This is the journal of Master Kush’s adventures in Skyrim…
Day 1-?: Dude…where’s my Goat?
After grieving for Lydia, I hung up her Ebony mace in tribute in my home in Whiterun. It was her home and whatever is left of her belongs there, being that there was no body to bring home to give her a real Nord funeral, it was the best I could do!

I didn’t have it in my heart to tell the girls what had happened to Lydia. It was just too tragic, plus I didn’t want them worrying about me when I was gone. Instead, I told the girls that Lydia decided to join the college of magic herself and is making her way east on an expedition to the ancient land of MIrkWOOD. They were sad but have grown used to being home alone and running the house. Sophie said she was glad to see her pursuing her dreams and they said maybe someday their paths will cross again. I’m glad my face is covered in fur, my human children aren’t very good at reading Kahjit expressions!
I shaved my grieving whiskers and set out once again, I needed to find a new companion to help me on my adventures. Skyrim is dangerous and you do not want to go at it alone! I went to the local bar in Whiterun where I intended to hire UTHGERD the Unbroken the Nord warrior who challenged me to a fistfight when I first arrived in Whiterun. Before I could get to speak with her some random guy named Sam stopped me in my tracks and challenged me to a drinking game! Where I come from, it’s a sign of a lack of honor to refuse a challenge, especially a drinking one. I suspect that Sam knew this about Kahjit! The son of a Hag slipped me a Mickey! I woke up in a place called MARKATH very far from Whiterun and inhabited by very aggressive Thalmor. These people were not my fans at all! My head hurt, I had very little memory of what had transpired the night before…it’s just a series of random clues and very upset people everywhere I go!
It’s not looking good, I’ve heard something about a goat, a fiancé, a wedding… I need to find this Sam person before I get arrested or shived!
I really should have known the gods were at work here.

As I went looking for Sam I was transported to a Mystic Glade where he transformed into the Daedric Prince of Chaos and Destruction! Honestly, I pooped a little…luckily he was in such a joyous mood from our “guys night out” that He awarded me The Sanguine Rose Staff. A weapon that will summon The Demon to my aid in battle! He was even kind enough to put me back in Whiterun after our meeting.
I hired Gertrude.

Day 3: I Am The Deliverer of Justice!
I made my way with my sidekick Gerdy to Red Baron barrow, there were a few townspeople that had requests coming out of that area. We didn’t feel like getting involved right now.
My companion and I decided to head further south into Rifton to seek out new adventures and I had a special task to complete: paying a visit to a certain pedophile who was touching kids!
Riften is a rough place! The second I stepped paw into town I was approached by a gangsta’ who warned me of the Black Briar club as well as the Thieves guild. Apparently the whole town is run by a woman named Maven. We’re gonna have to tread lightly to make sure we don’t step on the wrong toes while we’re here.
It turned my stomach to think about what’s been going on to these poor kids as I made my way To Honor Hall Orphanage. My own two kids are adopted and struggled on the streets, I wonder if it’s because they would rather do that than to live under conditions like the poor souls here. Regardless, my kids are safe, Avi is safe now, and I was here to bring justice and chew gum, and I’m all outta gum!

I let myself into the orphanage. When I entered the house I could hear the mistress abusing the children in her care. She was telling them how worthless they were and how they would never be adopted and how thankful they should be to her. She finished her rant and sent the kids to their rooms. She retreated to her study. I silently followed her, she was not aware of my presence until I let it be known. I stood behind her in silence as she yelled at me, pretending not to be afraid, But I can feel the fear in her soul and I could see it in her eyes. This monster knew that her day had come. I was there to put an end to the nightmare that she was. As she screamed at me I had heard enough, I burned her in Her seat at her desk. Her assistant ran in and I burned her to ash as well, she was guilty by association. The children cheered, the screams of agony had caught the attention of the Riften guards. It was worth the bounty that was put on my head for carrying out this justice. I’d gladly do it again for free. It cost Me 2000 gold coin though.

Day 4: My Cat-Burglaring Just Got Legit.
I met with the head of the Theives Guild, Brynjolf. He asked me to plant a stolen ring on Brand-Shei to frame him. This is part of my test, I’m trying to get into the thieves guild so I have to do it.
As Brynjolf distracted the merchants in the square, I snuck around and broke into a store stall and stole a ring. As the merchants were watching B’s speech I planted the ring in the Argonian’s pocket. It didn’t take long for the shop owner to realize his prize ring had been stolen. An anonymous tip to the guards pointed them to Brand. The guards asked him to turn out his pockets, He had no answer as to how the ring got on his person and he was quickly escorted off to the jails. I was told to make my way to the hidden underground layer of the Thieves Guild, if I wanted to join.
This was more difficult than my first test, Walking through the stinking sewers underneath the city of Rifton, being assaulted by the dregs of the town.

Talk about your underground speakeasy! The Ragged Flagon is literally underground and for Thieves guild members only!
While exploring the underground of Rifton I discovered ESBERN hiding in the deepest part of the sewers. He was a “Blade” who told me that a ALDUIN the Dragon, the devour of all souls, has returned to end the world. He was feeling very hopeless until I told him that I was Dragonborn. He wants me to take him to Delphene, the other Blade hiding out in Riverwood. Looks like I got a put some things on hold for now and take this old guy to Riverwood!
Day 6: The Darkness Approaches
As soon as I arrived Riverwood a courier gave me a letter saying that it was from a “creepy guy in a robe”. It seemed urgent so I left Esbern with Delphine so they could catch up with each other and I made my way back to Whiterun.

I needed to check on the girls and work on some more crafting and refine my enchanting skills. I’ve learned a lot by being on the road these past few weeks…I needed to get some sleep. I put my head to rest after I checked on the girls who were downstairs sleeping peacefully.
I fell asleep quickly but I had a strange dream. when I woke up m, I discovered that I was not in my bed anymore! there was a strange figure sitting above me, watching me sleep..Her name was a ASTRID. Arentino, the young boy who was being abused at the Orphanage, was Calling for “the dark brotherhood” to take care of his problem. It was supposed to be a legend, Apparently its not a legend after all and They are pissed that I took their kill. now, they want me to make up for my offense. I figured I was gonna have to go out on a long quest across the known world and kill somebody… it was a lot more bizarre than that.

She had already brought three suspects into her layer, she wanted me to figure out which one of them was guilty and kill them on the spot.
I interviewed the three suspects: the first was a soldier who was apologetic for what he had done and was just following orders when he killed a regiment of sleeping soldiers.
The second was an Kahjit who abducted daughters in the night from their bed. This was a Kahjit who was proud to defile daughters and of his bloodlust. He was obviously the one that needed to die, there was no need to question the third, I burned him on the spot.

My watcher was impressed with how I killed without hesitation, she offered me an invitation to the Dark Brotherhood. “Silence my brother” is the password to get into the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. She gave me a key and told me it’s in the Southern Pine Forest just off the road away from “prying eyes.” The invitation sounds interesting, this Brotherhood are killers of legend, maybe I could use some of that mojo in my corner. Astrid put me back in Whiterun with whatever magic she possesses, I hate when they do that, talk about ‘lost time’!