How often does MzBetrayal Stream?
It had been awhile since MzBeyrayal had done any consistent streams. She has over 1 million subscribers on Twitch and according to her social media posts she was taking some personal time for herself, respect for taking her personal mental health seriously! I was excited to finally get a notification to check out one of her streams!

What games does MzBetrayal stream?
Her stream began with her in the GTAV character creation screen. She was Unfortunately having some early audio issues but was able to work them out after a few minutes. She was also playing hip-hop music throughout her post and was unfortunately muted for portions of her stream for playing copyrighted music she did not have the right to use.
Twitch recently sent out a notification to ask content creators to stop playing all music in the background of their streams until Twitch is able to work out a licensing agreement with music publishers. That’s something to take note of, especially for those individuals who are taking their streams seriously. Not only are you in music copyright violation but are in violation of the Twitch TOS and EULA and your channel could be banned permanently.
She spent the first 10 minutes of her stream creating a character from scratch which she named Alliyanna Ortiz.
It’s not uncommon to run across female gamers online. It’s also not uncommon for these players to get hit on constantly. MzBetrayal was no exception to this phenomenon. I find it really embarrassing and also a bit humorous that these men lose all composure and do their best to impress female gamers online with whatever lines have worked for them in the past. It reminds me of being in a bar near closing time. Wreaks of desperation and is pathetic. MzBetrayal did well in deflecting and ignoring unwanted advances. She simply ignored most of them or gave a quite “thank you” when the awkward compliment from a complete stranger was given. Any gamers who might be reading this take note, your epic fails and thirsty advances are potentially being watched by millions of people!
From what I can tell, Mzbetrayal was playing on a private PC server. At first she was running around trying to find the basics for her new character. After about 40 minutes of running around she launched into a PvP mode. She isn’t very good at letting her viewers know what’s going on. The game mode she was playing in looked unfinished and choppy. All the players had hand guns and would die and respawn in the center of the makeshift speedball map. MzBetrayal has some skill but isn’t as impressive as I’ve seen other gamers in GTAV, I give her a strong B in PvP play. Her smack talking leaves a little more to be desired, she calls everyone she kills a “bitch” or gives them a taunt which contains the word “bitch”. You can tell she’s on a killing spree when you hear her say: “Bitch. Bitch. Bitch.”
Should I watch MzBetrayal’s stream?
Overall, Mzbetrayal is not my favorite female gamer. She doesn’t give much commentary and sometimes feels like she forgets she’s even streaming, making desktop phone calls and sending private messages, etc. MzBetrayal doesn’t keep older videos on her Twitch page or on a YouTube page so I wasn’t able to compare her past broadcasts to this one to see if this is how she normally streams or is just having an “off day.” If it is her norm, I can’t understand how she gained a millions subscribers….I guess there’s no accounting for taste, they made something like 6 “Sharknados” after all!