The Adventures of Master Kush the Warrior Kitty- A Skyrim Journal- Week 1
Master Kush the Warrior Kitty is a Kahjit from the desert lands of Elsweyr. One afternoon while hunting desert rodents for a delicious evening stew, he tripped on a rock, took a tumble down a hill, and was knocked unconscious. It was his bad luck to be picked up by a group of Stormcloak soldiers who had let one of their prisoner’s escape. They shackled Master Kush and threw him in their prisoner cart, hoping their Captain wouldn’t notice the discrepancy in the prisoner manifest.
This is the journal of Master Kush’s adventures in Skyrim…
Week 1

Day 1: A Cat in a Cage
Mee-OW!!! What!? Just my rotten luck! One second I was on the tail of a juicy desert rat, then a slip…I remember falling. Then nothing.
I woke up in a Cart, bound, some guy keeps telling me all his business. I have a headache. Apparently we are accompanied by an important fellow, he’s a king or something…a Jarl? His mouth is bound, He must talk a lot like this other guy, they must be related.
I wasn’t all too pleased to hear that we were condemned to death. Still, this Chatty Cathy in my cart won’t shut up! He was seriously talking about a girl, as we are headed to our death?
Once we got to the camp, One of the prisoners in my cart tried to make a break for it…arrows are a lot faster than he was. His quest is over.
Even though I wasn’t on the list to be executed, the captain still ordered me to die…she was such a bitch!
When the first Nord human guy bravely went up and courageously got his head removed from his body, I really began to worry..I was next!
All I could think of was how much I wanted a drink of water, maybe a saucer of milk?
The executioner raised his axe but then a loud roar stopped his swing! All of a sudden a flying lizard 5 stories tall started to breathe fire! I was saved by a Dragon! Not a lizard, but a big loud flying, talking? Dragon!
Some guy named Harvard, Hadvar? “H” took me to the keep where he cut my bindings and got me some weapons! kittys got claws! Meow!
We had to dispatch some Stormcloaks and make our way to safety. Once we were clear of the dragon “H” pointed me towards Riverdale & the Imperial guard if I was looking for work.
Onward to Riverwood!
Day 2: A Push from Hadvard
Woke up today, I have fire shooting out of my left hand…doesn’t burn too bad, itches a little. Scorches enemies pretty well though, mammoth too…tell you about that later.
Hadvard had said his uncle is a blacksmith & could help me out if I could make it to Riverside.
On my way there I came across Embershard Mine, it was orc guarded. Orcs smell like moss and shit. I made quick work of them and looted some shiney coins! They smelled like Orc, I hope whatever merchant is unfortunate to get these doesn’t notice before I have time to get very far away!

Day 3: Don’t Get Involved in a Family Feud
I visited Whiterun where I got to meet a lot of the locals and learn about the ongoing cat fight between two old families, the Gray-Beards and the Battle-Born. Old families from the same village have a beef about something no one remembers why. They have bigger problems headed this way, The Dragon…
I met a lady blacksmith that taught me a thing or two about making weapons and armor. She asked that I deliver a sword for her to her father who is the Jarl’s steward. Can you believe that cheapskate only gave me 20 coins? I should have kept the sword. Took me forever to find the jerk too!
Day 4: The Negotiator
I met an old lady who said her son was being kept prisoner despite being told by the officials that he was dead. She asked me to meet her at her House where her other, not so polite, son drew a bloody sword on me! She calmed his ass down and asked me to find some proof that her son was alive. I did that by breaking into the government building and being a cat burglar, it’s one of my skills, comes natural to my kind.
I stole some ingots and books being that I was already committing a crime, might as well get my paws wet too! The lady was overjoyed to hear her son was still alive! Her son wanted blood. I asked him to give me a chance to negotiate his brothers release without bloodshed. He agreed. Let’s see if I can do that…that dude is nuts!
Day 5: Roped Into a Jarl’s Business
I met the Jarl and told him about the Dragons. He seemed legit scared. He asked me to get help…how did I get mixed up in this drama?
I met an attractive merchant who was having some problems with a musical stalker who didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. I told her I would help. I found the lute playing Casanova in a local pub where he tried to convince me he was good for her. I convinced him he wasn’t by beating him up. He promised to leave her alone. She was grateful. She did not pet my head. :( Maybe next time.
Day 6: A Fistfight with a Barmaid

Some tall lady In a bar challenged me to a fist fight for 100 coins. I didn’t feel bad beating her up…she seemed to really enjoy it. I don’t get Humans sometimes.
I gave a coin to an orphan human who had been kicked off her farm by an evil aunt and uncle. She asked me to adopt her and if I’d be her daddy…it was sad. I’m gonna have to pay a visit to that aunt and uncle. Maybe if I get a house I’ll adopt the little brat…I like a house human to change my litter box.
Day 7: A Mammoth Tusk for a Lady
I met an ambitious lady in the square that wanted to go into business with my peoples. She needed a mammoth Tusk for some reason. She thinks it’ll impress the local Kahjit caravan leader, we like shiny things more, who am I to argue with a human. Just outside of town I ran across a family of Giants who, as everyone knows, like to keep mammoths as pets. I was able to lure the mammoth away and eventually trap and burn him to bits and harvest his parts for her. Mammoth tastes gamey. She was grateful and taught me some sales lines to lower my cost when bargaining with merchants.
I’m heading to find some more adventures in Skyrim. I need to learn more magic, hire a companion, and earn more gold! Until next time journal…