Have you been watching the Olympic Games going on now in Japan? 17 million people tuned into the opening ceremonies alone! If you like to play special themed events and earn loot boxes, then you’re going to want to get on to Overwatch as soon as you can! With the Olympic games in full swing lovers of Overwatch can get in on the gold medal fever and compete to earn medals of their own…(in the form of character poses holding medals that is!)

Overwatch’s Summer Games 2021 is now live!
Players can compete in various modes to earn Special Summer Loot boxes which contain limited time skins, emotes, player icons, intros, sprays, and voice lines, like my personal favorite Hanzo’s: “Pool Party? Sounds like a trap!” I apologize to everyone on my team*
*I’m not sorry! It makes me laugh every time!

What are the NEW unlocks for the Overwatch Summer Games 2021?
Skins & Sprays
Hanzo- Nihon Skin: A white and silver cherry blossom is a beautiful thing to behold!
Pharah- Sunset Skin- A tropical punch in the face!
Winston- Ocean King skin: An aquatic themed skin Poseidon would be proud of.
Ash- Poolside: She’s got floaties on!!
Mei-Sprinkles: She’s ready to serve up something cold and made to order, 50’s style!
Orisa- Referee:…It’s a referee.
Sigma- Scuba: A dramatic hair and facial upgrade
Symmetra- Mermaid: She’s Under the sea and wants to be part of your world in this Mermaid getup!

Reinhardt- Marshmallows: Nothing says summer like roasting marshmallows!
Wrecking Ball- Beach Mode: Apparently he’s pretty “extra” when he goes to the beach.
Victory Poses-Medal.
Voice Lines:
Ash: ”I’ll get in the pool, when I’m good and feasts!”
Brigitte: ”No sweat”
D.Va: “See you at the finish line!@
Hanzo: ”Pool party? Sounds like a trap!”
Junkrat: ”I wanted to watch the footie!”
Lucio: “Put me in coach!”
Mei: “Time to cool off”
Reinhardt: “Would you like to see my muscles”
Roadhog: “I’m on Vacation, leave me alone!”
Sombra : “I got some sun once, I didn’t care for it..”
Winston: “Why is it so warm?((Science!!!))”
Highlight Intro:
Soldier 76- Grillmaster: He’s going full “dad mode” with this intro gem!
It wouldn’t be the Summer Games without a little Lúcioball! If you’ve never heard of Lúcioball it’s a fast paced 3v3 “Soccer” or “Football” (depending on what part of the world you’re from) match where all the players are Lúcio, the Brazilian rollerblading DJ, as he pushes a large soccer ball towards even larger goals using his sonic boom! The players at the end of the time limit with the most points wins! Careful not to score on your own goal…something I seem to be really good at.
Players interested in playing this limited time event can find Lúcioball under the Arcade Game mode.
To keep game play fresh Arcade game modes refresh daily and offer different rewards for competing and/or winning, so check back daily!
What game modes are there in the Overwatch Summer Game 2021 Update?
Lucioball Remix: a multi ball 3v3 (players earn a reward for their first win)
Lucioball- A standard 3v3 for the casual player
Copa Lucioball- A Rank based Lucioball mode where players qualify to compete in ranked play: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, and Grand Master.
Some daily Game modes are:
8 player FFA (Free-For-All)
6v6 player FFA
4v4 FFA
“6v6 Classic Quick Play” and “6v6 Mystery Hero’s” are available to play every day.
Every player who participates in competitive Lucioball and/or ranks in competitive mode will receive a special spray and icon at the end of the event.
What’s new in Overwatch 2021?
If it’s been a few months or even years since you’ve played Overwatch, there have been a lot of changes and don’t worry, currently Overwatch has over 6-10 million active players any given month. The Most recent and most substantial change, in my opinion, is the addition of “Cross Play”.

Overwatch play is no longer restricted to play between differnt types of consoles. Players are now able to play with everyone regardless if it’s PC, Xbox, or PlayStation. This is a great opportunity for players to test their skills against others they would not normally ever get to game with. People are pretty loyal to their consoles. I’m a PlayStation guy myself. One word of caution: Beware of group chat and messaging! There are a lot of immature and sick individuals out there, many who have lost all sense of social decorum being in isolation these past months. You might want to turn it off unless you know the players you’re gaming with. Save yourself the stress! I don’t know about you, but I’m sensitive about my momma!
For those who like to really yell at the screen, Overwatch Competitive Play is currently in season 29.