Good Audio is Key to Turning your PUBG Fortunes Around.
Confession: I log on to PUBG like I grab chips from the kitchen cabinet. It’s something that I do without thinking. It’s like breathing. Despite my autonomic PUBG obsession, I’m still not great at it. I’ve spent the last 200+ hours playing solo in squad mode, to very mixed results. A handful of top 5 finishes, a few 2nd, a few 3rds, but no chicken dinners. And I had definitely flubbed a few endings. Deftly playing the sneak along the blue wall stealth game, picking off stragglers here and there, only to panic throw four grenades into the circle and charge in screaming with my DBS. I could never get over the hump. Could never get that lucky break where two squads rip each other up for me to walk in and pluck out that chicken dinner. That was, until I bought a Hyper X Cloud II Pro Gaming Headset*.

To be perfectly honest, probably any decent gaming headset would do. I was previously playing on a pair of travel earbuds (like an idiot). The difference is night and day. Previously, I would hear shots and spin around screaming and shooting indiscriminately into the woods. Now, I hear shots, and I go, ‘Oh, that sounds like it’s coming from 285 West-Northwest.’
You don’t realize how much PUBG is an audio-centric game until you listen to it with proper headphones. You can sit, quietly, behind a pile of logs on an abandoned lumber yard and tell the difference between someone scampering by and someone skulking up behind you with murderous intentions. You can hear someone cracking open a can of Red Bull in the bathroom of a townhouse next door. You can hear a dirtbike backfire a klick away.
And if you don’t believe me, just ask Steelseries, maker of the PUBG-branded Chicken Dinner themed, Arctis 5 Headset.

Get a competitive advantage with the high quality S1 speaker drivers, engineered to produce ultra-low distortion audio so you hear every detail.
Hearing every detail matters when you can’t see your adversary, and any extra piece of intel means the difference between (virtual) life and death.
The night of my first legit headset playing PUBG, I picked up my first TWO chicken dinners ever. I’ve picked up six more this week, for a respectable (though far from elite) win rate of about 12%.
But man, 12% is a lifetime away from zero. And all I had to do was listen.
*This is not a sponsored post. Just a link to a product I found.