Story Overview

A solid EGYPTIAN themed RPG awaits you!!
Taking place around 44 BC during ending times of the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Roman rule.
You will play as a MEDJAY which is a sort of free roaming sheriff that is noticeable by badge and seen as
a protector. BAYEK OF SIWA will be the form you take for this journey.
The main storyline focuses heavily on exploration and revenge. Khemu is the son you wish you
could forget not saving and in haunts your every living day.
Many cutscenes are memories and or plans towards hellion elimination.
The majority of connections you make are in accordance with neutralizing THE ORDER OF THE
ANCIENTS which is full of false oracles, snakes, and scum that have plagued the once great lands you
call home.
World Design
This isn’t an open WORLD game but it does have quite a bit to offer in a seemingly large COUNTRY that
relies on convoluted fast travel spots.
Offered to you is visually appealing architecture and grand range as you boat between the Nile of Giza
and channels of Memphis.
At some point you will be in a vibrant Oasis speaking to Alexandrian leaders and other times you will find
yourself leather hunting in the swamps getting harassed by hungry hungry hippos.
You will quickly be show the tax bracket differences.
Though you will be trekking through much sandstorm inflicted desert, on a horse or camel’s back, there
are also many elaborate royal palaces to explore.

SENU your female Bonelli’s eagle will be extremely useful in scoping out larger areas and or pinpointing
small scrolls (which you need to get locational credit/EXP) You can also somehow lock onto treasures
deep within a pyramid then run in and have a locked on target. A huge time saver!
Whenever you grow tired of blind exploration a POV switch could prove to be refreshing.
As you explore creepily lit tombs that have been long since abandoned you will find clues towards
mystical scenarios and odd hybrids.
In the loading option area there is a second mode that allows you to roam freely without enemies or
storyline. If you are interested in endless dungeon crawling and sight seeing then this version is for you!
Ubisoft claims to have recreated Egypt in totality.
Difficulty/Combat Learning Curve
If you see a creature with a red and yellow death skull above their head = GTFOH!!!!
Even a few level difference means absolute death. Shooting 20 arrows from a distance will do jack shit
and you will likely get one-shotted. Its’s completely okay to come back later.
Though there are legendary weapons with conflict swaying abilities available (such as the sickle sword

RULER OF THE STORM which heals you each time you hit an opponent but also inflicts BLEED +
boosts your adrenaline upon kill) for the most part you will be relying on your bows and stealth attacks.
After sneak killing you may initiate a 2-for-1 chaining weapon throw (unlockable as an ability)
FLESH DECAY is likely the most lethal ability in the game. It is so potent that I got a game over by
putting a decay body on my horse and riding around a village. Too many innocents died but as for
soldiers if they walk within the green gaseous range they will automatically lose a quarter or more of their
HP. Strategically placing these bodies by certain entrances or carrying them and bumping into people
could prove to be half of the work. There is also BERSERK which you can use on enemy soldiers to turn
them against one another for a short time. You can essentially recruit a soldier to do your bidding but
keep in mind that you have no real control over them so it’s best to use this maneuver as a distractionary
method whilst you move on to another area/engage others nearby.
Consider how you want to fight. There are single handed weapons that allow you to use a shield in the
other. If blocking is something you have no interest in, then a two-handed weapon such a flaming staff
will come in handy. Each type has a speed attached to it so keep that in mind. You will often times be
taking on 5+ soldiers at a time each being taken out in 3-5 hits. People take no damage if you hit their
shield and it seems the farther along you get the more you bump into, so sliding to the sides and angling
hits to the back will make quick work of those hoes.

Predator Bows are crucial because they are essentially sniper rifles. Headshots can kill most targets and
backing up switching to light bows (rapid fire) can handle a group of people swarming you. Do not fear
letting loose a full quiver because there are MANY racks around and it will fully restore your arrow count.
Also, you naturally re-up as every real time minute passes.
PHYLAKES are elite bounty hunters that will show up quickly and cause serious problems for your health.
Setting a trap in the BRAZIER of each garrison can make the combative situations you engage in much
more palatable.
SLEEPING DARTS will silence rowdy hyenas, alligators, and soldiers while you sentence them to a
forever nap.
Reduce fall damage by rolling as you land or better yet don’t jump off anything if climbing down is an
option. Your health regenerates quickly but if you are being attacked at the same time Desyncronization
is more than possible.
If you are in an eradication area or near a road, you can hide in grass and whistle to have enemies come
within range of assassination.
Mounted combat is incredible in this game (unlike Odyssey) and getting knocked off is difficult. Bash in
the heads of lames then ride away without getting your boots dirty.
Be on the lookout for the GIFT FROM THE GODS quest. This is an unexpected Final Fantasy XV
crossover event that will unlock a chocobo mount and some other items that I will leave for you to
Overall Rating

The fallen queen CLEOPATRA is an opium addicted skeezer that offers to sleep with followers in
exchange for their lives. A worthy trade? I think not.
This is the kind of twisted sanctimonious personality you will have to allign with in order to rid the world of
deep evil. The likability of most figures you come across is far from desirable.
The relationship with AYA (Bayek’s wife) is basic, sparse, and almost exclusively physical. Potentially
understadable as most of their passion and energy has shifted towards hunting filthy politicians.
There are almost no side characters that are worth remember other than the hustler REDA who is a
smartass child that runs a nomadic bazaar (one which offers you exclusive yet randomized items in
purchasable Heka chests) and sends you on specialty quests. Be on the lookout for him!
The story is not difficult to grasp at all yet I still think it’s worth going through. At only 40 levels and about
65-75 hours to 100% complete.
There isn’t much to do after level maxing however you gain access to a hitman hideout.
You can always double back to the ARENA to test your mettle against glory fiends. Or you can
participate in Hippodrome races where you speed around in a chariot in front of cheering crowds.
Best of all you are now poweful enough to engage the enraged WAR ELEPHANT or try your luck in
lengthy battles with gigantic OLD GODS! Enjoy doing battle vs ANUBIS and his flaming hyenas or
SOLBEK The Alligator King with his reanimated corpes.
Throughout the game you will eliminate targets and literally send them to the afterlife. Those instances
are highly fufilling and make it seem for a moment like you are playing as a grim reaper.
After playing, I can understand why this installation rebooted the popularity of the franchise.