As we draw ever closer to what will be the third official launch date for Cyberpunk 2077, it seems some gamers aren’t willing to wait any longer. As of today, reports have surfaced that physical copies of this title have found their way into gamer’s hands already. In fact, those who have a copy even had the nerve to stream twenty minutes of the game live on Twitch. So it seems that the launch date on the 10th December 2020 seems to be the real deal.

Cyberpunk 2077 has been subject to several major delays, with the game announced in 2013 and was set for release on both the 17th September 2020 ans 19th of November. This has led to some intense weeks within CD Projekt Red’s studios, with a crunch culture coming into effect and six-day mandatory work weeks becoming necessary to finish the project. However, it seems like this has paid dividends.
Night City Awaits
The stream in question was far from the standard that we commonly see from prestigious Twitch superstars. Nor does it give you a clear indication of what to expect from the opening minutes of this long awaited RPG. However, it does give us the clarification that physical copies are in circulation which is a positive sign that CD Projekt red will deliver Cyberpunk 2077 on launch day.

The stream gameplay was played on a PS4 system although it is unclear whether it was a standard PS4 or a PS4 Pro due to the poor quality of the stream. However, if you are someone who isn’t planning on making the switch to PS5 anytime soon, this could be a great way to check out what the Ps4 version has in store for you. If you want to check out the stream, you can find it right here. We can’t say that it’s spoiler-free though, so if you want to steer clear of all things Cyberpunk until you have your own copy, we would urge you to hang fire.
Factory Standard
It is believed that the leak has come courtesy of one of the copies issued to the manufacturing factory when the game went gold last month. Boxed editions have already started to surface within factories as suppliers begin to ready themselves for the 10th December 2020. So with this in mind, one can only assume that a worker within one of these factories decided to take one home and see what all the fuss was about. All we are saying is that we wouldn’t want to be them in work tomorrow morning.
Here is what Twitter had to say:
Cyberpunk 2077 is set to launch on the 10th December 2020 on PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X and Stadia.
So that’s our rundown on the recent news regarding Cyberpunk 2077. Will you be picking this one up on launch day? What do you make of the crunch culture that had to be implemented to make this game a reality? Do you think this game will live up to the hype? Let us know in the comments below and thanks for reading Gaming Yeeter.