Are you a fan of the Sweet Science or NES Punch-Out? Did you catch the supposed “fight of the century” between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao in sunny Las Vegas on May 3? If you ponied up $100 for the PPV or simply read about it the next day – like me! – you know that it was a pretty boring fight.
Over at YouTube, a new Youtuber called Noober Goober Gaming has taken the proactive approach of comedy to placate the masses over this pugilistic poop fest called FLOYD MAYWEATHER PUNCH-OUT!!!
Mayweather used a smart strategy – smart because he already got the money – of covering up and mostly winning just on points. Noober captures all the great moments from the hugs to the between round banter of the fighters and their coaches.
If there is any thought that Rhonda Rousey, or anyone frankly, from the UFC could take Floyd out within 2 minutes, then after watching this hugfest, you’ll not have any doubts.
Check out the full video below and be sure to subscribe to Noober Goober on YouTube and Twitter @NooberGoobers!
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